What is The Accessible Canada Act (2019)? Name and describe two core principles that underlie the act. What are three limitations of this

What is The Accessible Canada Act (2019)? Name and describe two core principles that underlie the act. What are three limitations of this

This exam covers lesson material from week 11 (Welfare and well-being of immigrants and temporary residents) through week 14 (Well-being and social justice in a global context) on the syllabus and textbook chapters 9-12.

  1. What is The Accessible Canada Act (2019)? Name and describe two core principles that underlie the act. What are three limitations of this piece of legislation?
  • Describe five examples of ways that racial discrimination and White supremacy have historically impacted the immigrant selection process in Canada.
  • Compare and contrast the following two indices created by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to gauge human development at the global level: (a) the Human Development Index (HDI) and (b) the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • What are the two primary goals of income security programs for older adults? Which poverty measure in Canada suggests that rates of poverty among older adults has been on the rise? Discuss three reasons why there are increasing concerns about the ability of those specifically in the Baby Boomer generation to have financial security in their older age. Describe four reasons why older women of the Baby Boomer generation are more likely to live in poverty than Baby Boomer men. 
  • In discussing the history of slavery in North America, Canada’s role in the underground railroad is often highlighted. This has reinforced the common false assumption that Canada’s primary relationship to slavery was as a safe haven to Black slaves fleeing slavery in the United States. As a result, there has been a societal minimization of the reality of slavery in Canada.  Describe five arguments/pieces of evidence that show that Canada played an active role in the enslavement of Black people which directly challenge the myth that slavery in Canada was less prominent and brutal than slavery in other regions.
  • Compare and contrast the (a) medical model of disability; (b) social and human rights model of disability; and (c) affirmative model of disability.  Which model is most evident in approaches to social welfare for people with disabilities in Canada today?
  • Name/describe five ongoing global challenges that will likely shape the opportunities and resources available for a decent standard of living for the world’s population for the foreseeable future.
  • Name and describe the major basic minimum income programs for older adults in Canada. Who is eligible for each of these programs and how are they funded?
  • Under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, who is eligible to apply to permanently immigrate to Canada in the (a) economic stream and (b) refugee and humanitarian stream. Why has it been argued that the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act discriminates against persons with disabilities?
  1. Compare and contrast the following income support programs for people with disabilities: (a) Employment Insurance (EI); (b) Canada Pension Plan (CPP); (c) Veteran’s Disability Pensions. In your answer, be sure to describe the eligibility for each program as well as how it is funded.

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