What did you learn in putting this infographic together? What did you aim to communicate with the infographic?

What did you learn in putting this infographic together? What did you aim to communicate with the infographic?

The infographic is part of your final along with a final paper that should be organized in the following way: 

Part One- A written explanation: This is a five page reflection that should address the following questions: What did you learn in putting this infographic together? What did you aim to communicate with the infographic? Who was your target audience for the infographic? What purpose or value does this infographic serve beyond fulfilling this assignment? 

Part Two- Visual Piece: Your final infographic should address the professor’s feedback. 

Part Three- Bibliography:  All final submissions must provide a work cited page with  at least 5 academic sources in APA citation style. These sources can include books, book chapters, peer-reviewed articles, encyclopedia entries, academic research reports, archival sources,  or .org/.edu websites

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