What contribution did nickelodeons make to film history? Why did Thomas Edison and the Trust fail to shape and control the film

What contribution did nickelodeons make to film history? Why did Thomas Edison and the Trust fail to shape and control the film

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. What contribution did nickelodeons make to film history?
  2. Why did Thomas Edison and the Trust fail to shape and control the film industry, and why did Adolph Zukor of Paramount succeed?
  3. How does vertical integration work in the film business?
  4. What political and cultural forces changed the Hollywood system in the late 1940s and 1950s?
  5. How did the movie industry respond to the advent of television?
  6. Do films contribute to a global village in which people throughout the world share a universal culture? Or do U.S.-based films overwhelm the development of other cultures worldwide? Discuss.
  7. Review Examining Ethics: Breaking through Hollywood’s Race Barrier and provide a summary and thoughts on the issue.

Discuss the bullet points and be sure to provide discussion and or opinion based on specific points from the chapter. Make sure to cite the chapter and websites to obtain full credit. Vague generalities will not be able to receive full credit.

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