Myth Busting Review the material for Myth Busting. Then, read the following article, as it may help give you ideas on how to design your

Myth Busting Review the material for Myth Busting. Then, read the following article, as it may help give you ideas on how to design your

  • Interactive Learning Module: Design Your StudyThis week, you will be creating your research proposal. Since you will be doing the study over the next few weeks, you will want to think through each step carefully.Click below to access Design Your Study. In this interactive, you will make some of the major decisions that will help you in planning in your research proposal and provide a step-by-step process that will help you. You will be able to download your results, which you can use to guide your work in your proposal. LAUNCH INTERACTIVE MODULE
  • Assignment InstructionsRESEARCH PROPOSALIMPORTANT: You will be doing this study in class. Everything you propose should be based on using the materials provided and your classmates as participants. Over the next few weeks, you will be participating in other learners’ studies and have your classmate participate in yours. Do not use participants outside of this course.Use Topic From Literature ReviewMaterials are provided for three different projects inspired by research found in the literature. For the research proposal, use the same article and materials that you based your literature review on. There are pre-built materials for three experiments. There are possible variations of design, but choose one of the following. You may not create your own topic or materials without permission from and coordination with the instructor.Topic 1: RetractionReview the materials on Retraction. Then, read the following article, as it may help give you ideas on how to design your study:Topic 2: Myth Busting Review the material for Myth Busting. Then, read the following article, as it may help give you ideas on how to design your study:Topic 3: False BalanceReview the material for False Balance. Then, read the following article, as it may help give you ideas on how to design your study:If you are not satisfied with the materials provided, contact your instructor to get approval to deviate and to examine how the changes may affect your data analysis. Use only materials approved by your instructor.Assignment Preparation
    • Be sure that you have completed the media piece in this week and have taken notes on methods that you will use to sample your participants and collect and analyze your data.If you have not done so yet, revise your literature review based on any instructor feedback you received.
    Assignment InstructionsNext week, you will start to conduct your research study. We conduct research studies to expand our knowledge on how human behavior in the world is evolving. To conduct an effective study, we need to understand theories of development as it relates to our current environment and society. The first step, however, is to create a research proposal that provides the detailed plan for your experiment. For this assignment, write your research proposal. Be sure to use the Research Proposal Template [DOCX], as it provides context and wording that you should use to help you clearly explain your main points. By using the template, you will cover all of the points below.
    • Insert your revised literature review in the Literature Review section in the template.Operationally define the variables that you are using in your study.State your hypothesis for your study.Report on the method you will use to sample your participants.
      • Use your notes from the media piece to guide your sampling method selection.
        • Note: You will be using your classmates as participants for this project.
      Explain the method you will use to collect and analyze your data.
      • Use your notes from the media piece to guide your sampling method selection.
      Choose the measurement that matches your study.
      • Review the template for suggested language.
      Discuss how the measurement increases the reliability and validity of the study.Explain your procedure based on research design you chose.
    Submission RequirementsSubmit your proposal as your deliverable for assessment.Note: Your instructor may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assignment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assignment, once your work has been evaluated. Learn more about the Writing Feedback Tool on the course Tools and Resources page.



Any questions? I attached my proposal. Looks like my feedback from my professor didn’t attach. I’ll attach nowOVERALL COMMENTS

Hi Pohai,

You have some good ideas for your study, but you can only use the procedures and materials approved and provided for this research project. Please see my feedback in the rubric as well as the video I sent out about this assignment. You will want to use the provided template for this paper. Most of the sections have already been written for you.

-Dr. J



Operationally define the variables that are being used in a research study.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not provide a definition. BASICProvides a definition of the variables, but the definition is not operational.PROFICIENTOperationally defines the variables that are being used in the research study.DISTINGUISHEDOperationally defines the variables that are being used in the research study that have a clear connection to the hypothesis.



Describe research methods used.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not identify research methods.BASICIdentifies but does not describe research methods used.PROFICIENTDescribes research methods used.DISTINGUISHEDDescribes research methods that have a clear connection to the resources and hypothesis.


Your research design is inconsistent with the materials provided for the project. This part should have been taken directly from the template. Pleas refer to my video I sent out explaining this assignment.


Describe a sampling method that is appropriate for a study and available resources.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not describe a sampling method.BASICDescribes a sampling method, but the method is not appropriate for the study and available resources.PROFICIENTDescribes a sampling method that is appropriate for a study and available resources.DISTINGUISHEDDescribes a sampling method that is appropriate for the study and resources available and has a clear connection to the hypothesis.


Only classmates can be used as participants. You cannot use other “stakeholders.”


Identify an appropriate measurement that matches a particular research study.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not identify a measurement.BASICIdentifies a measurement, but measurement is not appropriate and does not match a particular research study.PROFICIENTIdentifies an appropriate measurement that matches a particular research study.DISTINGUISHEDIdentifies an appropriate measurement that matches a particular research study and makes a clear connection to the hypothesis.


You cannot use participant interviews. This section should have been taken directly from the assignment template. You must use the materials provided as questionnaires.


Explain the method that will be used to collect and analyze data.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not identify the method used to collect and analyze data.BASICIdentifies the method used but does not explain the method. PROFICIENTExplains the method that will be used to collect and analyze data.DISTINGUISHEDExplains the method that will be used to collect and analyze data; explanation makes a clear connection to the hypothesis.


Your research design is inconsistent with the materials provided for the project. This part should have been taken directly from the template. Pleas refer to my video I sent out explaining this assignment.


Design research with respect to controls for variations in behavior related to individual and sociocultural differences.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not design research. BASICDesigns research, but the research lacks respect to controls for variations in behavior.PROFICIENTDesigns research with respect to controls for variations in behavior related to individual and sociocultural differences. DISTINGUISHEDDesigns research with respect to controls for variations in behavior related to individual and sociocultural differences that can influence research outcomes. Research is appropriate for the hypothesis.


I would have liked to have seen more detail in this area. What limitations might there be in your data in relation to individual and sociocultural differences? Do you believe that your sample is likely to be generalizable to the population? Why/why not?


Explain how a measurement increases the reliability and validity of a research study.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not identify that a measurement increases the reliability and validity of a research study.BASICIdentifies that a measurement increases the reliability and validity but does not explain how. PROFICIENTExplains how a measurement increases the reliability and validity of a research study.DISTINGUISHEDExplains how a measurement increases the reliability and validity of a research study with a clear connection to the hypothesis.



Explain the procedure based on a chosen research design.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not identify a procedure.BASICIdentifies a procedure, but does not explain or base the procedure on a chosen research design.PROFICIENTExplains the procedure based on a chosen research design.DISTINGUISHEDExplains the procedure based on a chosen research design and a clear connection to the hypothesis.


See feedback about research design.


Revise content to include instructor feedback.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not revise content.BASICPartially revises content to include instructor feedback.PROFICIENTRevises content to include instructor feedback.DISTINGUISHEDCreates new insights by revising feedback to include instructor feedback.



Use APA-style formatting, citations, and references.(10%)

NON_PERFORMANCEDoes not use APA-style formatting.BASICUses APA-style formatting with significant errors.PROFICIENTUses APA-style formatting, citations, and references.DISTINGUISHEDUses error-free APA-style formatting, citations, and references, including proper title page.


Answer preview for Myth Busting Review the material for Myth Busting. Then, read the following article, as it may help give you ideas on how to design your


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