In this assignment, you will take on the role of a marketing manager in an existing company. You have been asked to analyze the market

In this assignment, you will take on the role of a marketing manager in an existing company. You have been asked to analyze the market

In this assignment, you will take on the role of a marketing manager in an existing company. You have been asked to analyze the market (situation analysis) for an innovative new disinfectant to help slow the spread of viruses. Nearly 2 in 3 people have shown a desire to use your product, but 40% of prospective consumers do not believe that your product will be effective. You have a challenge to overcome in the marketplace. The shareholders believe that this is an opportunity in the marketplace.

As marketing manager, you face a challenge and an opportunity in the marketplace. Compile a 5-page situation analysis that addresses the following points:

Analyze the marketing environment, including the macroenvironmental factors (e.g., political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological). Outline what environmental factors you should be aware of and how you will adjust accordingly. Compile a competitive analysis, which includes a minimum of 2 competitors. Compare their product or service offering, pricing strategies, distribution methods and marketing or positioning strategies. How are competitors differentiating themselves? How might this company overcome the challenges in the marketing environment? How might this company successfully compete in this market?

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