Imagine you are working as a strategy consultant and have been asked by one of the partners to put together a report on RESMED

Imagine you are working as a strategy consultant and have been asked by one of the partners to put together a report on RESMED

Imagine you are working as a strategy consultant and have been asked by one of the partners to put together a report on RESMED and how the organisation has pivoted in response to COVID-19, as well as its longer-term prospects. Your report should evaluate RESMED’s
External environment: general and industry environment;
• Internal environment: the most significant resources and capabilities shaping
the company’s ability to pivot during COVID;
• Capacity to succeed in the longer term.
The report is an opportunity to analyse a case and to hone your skills in report
writing. You must use the following strategic management tools taught in the unit to
analyse the case:
• Porter’s Five Forces
• Value Chain
• VIRO framework
The report should be written in discrete sections and a brief conclusion reached at the end of each section as to its meaning for the firm. These sections should be linked together so the report is an integrated and compelling analytical argument that leads to your conclusions and findings.

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