Explain why you have selected specific pieces for your poster board by linking them to key concepts (and readings!) in our course

Explain why you have selected specific pieces for your poster board by linking them to key concepts (and readings!) in our course

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

General aim and format

This 1-2 page written component will allow you to connect what you have learned during our class about popular culture and identity and how you see yourself. It should clearly connect with (key) concepts in the course and should explain why you’ve included specific elements in your poster board.


Explain why you have selected specific pieces for your poster board by linking them to key concepts (and readings!) in our course


● Clearly identified in text and in the bibliography

● APA format

● Alphabetical

Organization and Writing

● Writing is clear and concise

● Subheadings used to clarify organization

● Length appropriate

● Point first writing (active voice)

● Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct

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