Discuss two ways Berry sees little difference between the sentimental economics of the communist and the sentimental economics of the

Discuss two ways Berry sees little difference between the sentimental economics of the communist and the sentimental economics of the

The Total Economy (pp. 66-80)

  1. Discuss two ways Berry sees little difference between the sentimental economics of the communist and
    the sentimental economics of the capitalist.
  2. Considering his14 point list, 1) describe two of them which express how the “global free market” is a
    danger to the natural world and 2) describe two of them which express how it is a danger to human health
    and freedom. (In parentheses, put the two numbers from the 14-point list you used right after each of your
    two descriptions.)

A Long Job, Too Late to Quit (pp. 81-88)

  1. Why is “starting from loss” a central theme in the modern history of rural America, related to its 1) land,
    2) people, and 3) communities? How does he see this theme founded on an economic determinism, and
    what two hard questions does Berry ask about this deterministic position?
  2. Starting from this loss, Berry asks “What, then, can we do?” He presents twelve ideas in response.
    Describe what you think are the four most important ideas in this list. (After each description, tell which
    number from the list it represents.)

Two Minds (pp.89-109)

Only one task with four parts on this essay. Pretend you are introducing Berry’s idea of “two minds” to
someone you like to talk with. I divided the essay into ten sections. Define the “two minds,” and then
choose four sections you would like to use to show the definitions, distinctions, and differences of these
two minds. Be sure to make use of all the sections you choose to discuss.

The Prejudice Against Country People (pp.110-116)

  1. What are the four lines of negative criticism the apologists for industrialism make against those who
    defend small farmers?
  2. What are the important questions about farming in all parts of the world? How are we to answer these
    questions? Why does he call these answers the stuff of “true patriotism”? (Remember how this book began
    on patriotism?)

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