Describe these men and their businesses, and the developments that led the upper classes to gain control over the economy. Describe their

Describe these men and their businesses, and the developments that led the upper classes to gain control over the economy. Describe their

A. In chapter III, (3) The Robber Barons, the Monopolists, claiming they were for “Laissez Faire” policies, received extraordinary assistance from the government to gain control of the US economy, the land and resources, and the people. Describe these men and their businesses, and the developments that led the upper classes to gain control over the economy. Describe their lives of
Not only did the US government help them, but also the wealthy class owned the media and they could promote their views, their right to rule over everything. They developed an ideology biased against the poor. The major “Ivy League” (universities like Yale, Princeton, Harvard etc.) promoted elitism: the right of the well-off to benefit, and the correctness of ignoring the plight of the lower classes, whom they portrayed as inferior beings.  This upper class justified poverty and oppression as naturally occurring conditions. Even the deaths of the poor were considered “good” in the views of the Robber Barons. They  paid for professors and writers, who promoted negative attitudes and actions toward workers and poor farmers, andpositive attitudes abou the rich.   This upper class was the leading proponent of anti-Black and anti-indigenous, anti -Chinese and anti-Mexican policy. Why? (20 points)

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