Learning Organization Assessment – Kline and Saunders

Learning Organization Assessment – Kline and Saunders

Assignment 5 Learning Organization Assessment – Kline and Saunders

Assignment 5: Learning Organization Assessment (200 points) You have been provided in the modules section of our course the Kline and Sanders assessment of a Learning Organization. Upon completion, determine the average of the results of your school or organization by dividing sum of all the response/ratings by 36, the number of statements. The average indicates, on a scale of 1-5, the degree to which the respondent believes his or her organization possesses the characteristics of a Learning Organization.  

Analyze and synthesize your results in a Summary Report, two to three pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman font.  Include a title page and a reference page (if needed) and do not count these in the total pages of your work.  Discuss how your organization/school/institution (1) meets some of the Steps to a learning organization (Kline & Saunders), (2) what steps need to be developed, and the (3) challenges your organization must overcome to meet the remaining steps of a learning organization. Provide a rationale for each of your discussion points.

  • Kline and Saunders’ Assessment document is attached-
  • course_book:Collinson, C., & Cook, F. T. (2007). Organizational learning: Improving learning, teaching, and leading in school systems. Thousand Oaks, CA:  SAGE Publications. 

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Learning Organization Assessment - Kline and Saunders


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