According to Ishimaru (2020), “…we must learn from the mistakes of our prior efforts and push beyond good intentions and rhetoric

According to Ishimaru (2020), “…we must learn from the mistakes of our prior efforts and push beyond good intentions and rhetoric

  1. According to Ishimaru (2020), “…we must learn from the mistakes of our prior efforts
    and push beyond good intentions and rhetoric to recognize and intervene when the
    deficiency paradigm reasserts itself” (p. 77). What prior efforts and rhetoric is she

How does the “deficiency paradigm” and “comprehensive services movement of the
1990s” show up in your school/district?

Consider the hierarchies and power dimensions in the “collabetition” within the Pathways
Project initiative described by Ishimaru p. 77-82. Thinking beyond current ideologies of
best practices and/or “collabetitions” that, theoretically, look and sound great, but upon
implementation at your site/district, did not roll out successfully, who determined the

Answer preview for According to Ishimaru (2020), “…we must learn from the mistakes of our prior efforts and push beyond good intentions and rhetoric

According to Ishimaru (2020), “…we must learn from the mistakes of our prior efforts and push beyond good intentions and rhetoric


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