Browse Questions

Influencing others in the workplace is very important.

Influencing others in the workplace is very important. Influencing others in the workplace is very important. First, it increases productivity since employees have a strong belief in your ideas. Second, influencing others helps in building a positive relationship in the workplace as employees work together in ensuring they achieve Solution preview for the order on … Read more

What, according to Smith (Wealth of Nations, I.1-2), are the benefits and origins of the ‘division of labor’?

What according to Smith (Wealth of Nations, I.1-2) are the benefits and origins of the ‘division of labor’? The paper should be 3 pages long in a 12-point, Times New Roman or comparable serif font (between 600 and 1000 words). You must provide evidence for your claims in the form of a few well-chosen quotations … Read more

Sustainable Development and Sustainable Tourism Development

Sustainable Development and Sustainable Tourism Development Some people have argued that tourism is inherently unsustainable. Indicate whether or not you agree with that opinion, and explain why. In your explanation, be sure to define the concept of “sustainable tourism,” either using one of the definitions provided in this week’s materials or by formulating your own … Read more

The speaker defined implicit bias as the stereotypes and attitudes that affect our actions

The speaker defined implicit bias as the stereotypes and attitudes that affect our actions The speaker defined implicit bias as the stereotypes and attitudes that affect our actions, understanding, and decisions unconsciously. He gave several words, and the audience concluded what they think of them. Surprisingly, the audience response matched my thoughts immediately. I saw … Read more

How well does personality predict a person’s leadership potential

How well does personality predict a person’s leadership potential Compose and post a response to the following discussion topics. *How well does personality predict a person’s leadership potential? *What influences an individual’s perceptions of leadership? *Can a person learn to be a leader, or is a person born a leader? *How important is following a … Read more

Very briefly outline the role of maltase and lactase in the gastro-intestinal system

Very briefly outline the role of maltase and lactase in the gastro-intestinal system What does the term anabolism mean? (2 marks). 2. Very briefly outline the role of maltase and lactase in the gastro-intestinal system? (2 marks). 3. What is meant by deglutition? (1 mark). 4. Explain very briefly the relationship between aquaporin and anti-diuretic … Read more

Exo-system factors do not directly affect access to child care

Exo-system factors do not directly affect access to child care As stated above, exo-system factors do not directly affect access to child care. Marshall describes the wellbeing of the family as a primary determinant of the welfare of a child. As a result, any activity interfering with the psychology of the parents or primary caregivers … Read more

What does the research indicate may be benefits to marrying later in life?

What does the research indicate may be benefits to marrying later in life? People over 50 years old may marry for different reasons than couples in their early 20s. When you are at a different stage in your life you have more life experiences and different motivations. Think about people 50 years old and older. … Read more

There are different views of morality and explanation of our actions.

There are different views of morality and explanation of our actions. There are different views of morality and explanation of our actions. Distinct moral theories, including Kant, Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics, explain how people ought to act. In this case scenario, there is a terrorist who intends to detonate a bomb in a major city, … Read more

Create a criminal profile and fake crime, and incorporate psychological theories as noted

Create a criminal profile and fake crime, and incorporate psychological theories as noted You have to create a criminal profile and fake crime, and incorporate psychological theories as noted. Additionally, please include Psychology of Human Behaviour by Shelley Brown as one of your resources. Cheers. Solution preview for the order on create a criminal profile … Read more

The criminal law actively delineates the boundaries around what constitutes criminal behavior and sets out the thresholds for criminal

The criminal law actively delineates the boundaries around what constitutes criminal behavior and sets out the thresholds for criminal The criminal law actively delineates the boundaries around what constitutes criminal behavior and sets out the thresholds for criminal responsibility for specific offences. Tensions and criticisms sometimes arise with respect to these issues. For example, are … Read more

Gender stereotypes exist for both men and women. Discuss three gender stereotypes in your essay.

Gender stereotypes exist for both men and women. Discuss three gender stereotypes in your essay. A stereotype refers to untrue belief or idea about a specific group of people. Gender stereotyping refers to misconceptions associated with our genders. In life, there are ways in which people are preconceived to behave following their genders. However, these … Read more

Discuss the ways in which the nursing process serves as the framework for the practice of professional nursing.

Discuss the ways in which the nursing process serves as the framework for the practice of professional nursing. How do nurses’ own cultural values and beliefs affect their nursing care? Give specific examples of attitudes and their potential consequences .2,Discuss the ways in which the nursing process serves as the framework for the practice of … Read more

Analyze this case using relevant theories on team dynamics.

Analyze this case using relevant theories on team dynamics. What are the signs (symptoms) of conflict in this case? 2. Identify the structural causes of conflict. 3. Discuss the escalation of conflict described in this case. Your answer should also identify the signs (symptoms) of conflict in this case. 4. Analyze this case using relevant … Read more

What has been the public opinion of the business ethics of the firm

What has been the public opinion of the business ethics of the firm explain the concept of stake and stake holder 2) What kind of stakes and stakeholders does JP MORGAN CHASE have 3)What kind of legitimacy, power and urgency does JP morgan chase stakeholders have 4)Which stakeholder approach, strategic, multifiduciary or sythesis approach do … Read more

Have there been any culture changes in the last 5 years that have affected the criminal justice system of the country.

Have there been any culture changes in the last 5 years that have affected the criminal justice system of the country. How has culture impacted the development of each system? Have there been any culture changes in the last 5 years that have affected the criminal justice system of the country. Has either criminal justice … Read more

Does media influence people to become gay lesbian or bisexual?

Does media influence people to become gay lesbian or bisexual? Formulate in your own mind, a research question. Basic research is motivated largely by your own curiosity. Some students in Sociology of Gender narrow and focus their topics by posing a research question or query for which they do not yet have a satisfactory answer. … Read more

Pragmatism refers to approaches that examine beliefs or theories in terms of the success of their practical practice.

Pragmatism refers to approaches that examine beliefs or theories in terms of the success of their practical practice. Pragmatism refers to approaches that examine beliefs or theories in terms of the success of their practical practice. Decision making in pragmatism is biased and is accumulated to one person, and different ideas are not considered in … Read more

Employee motivation in the workplace is beneficial to every organization because it leads to increased outputs

Employee motivation in the workplace is beneficial to every organization because it leads to increased outputs Employee motivation in the workplace is beneficial to every organization because it leads to increased outputs. Additionally, motivation helps employees become loyal and dedicated to their duties, enabling them to improve their efforts. The most common sources of motivation … Read more

This project will be a culmination of nursing philosophy and leadership style

This project will be a culmination of nursing philosophy and leadership style Philosophy of Nursing Paper Personal Philosophy of Nursing and leadership Assignment. This project will be a culmination of nursing philosophy and leadership style, as you see it. The purpose of this reflection will demonstrate your personal and professional growth into the profession of … Read more

Racism in America has existed since its formation

Racism in America has existed since its formation Racism in America has existed since its formation. Racism is regarded as one of the most significant challenges toward equality in America. The largest percentage of the American population is White Americans, while the minority groups include African Americans, Hispanic, Latino Americans, and Asian origin. Historically, Amerindians … Read more

Teamwork refers to several people working together as a group to achieve a common goal

Teamwork refers to several people working together as a group to achieve a common goal Teamwork refers to several people working together as a group to achieve a common goal. In earlier periods, organizations were mainly individualistic, whereby each person in a company worked alone even when there was a common goal. However, recent companies … Read more

A fellow supervisor usually argues about an issue before arriving at a decision

A fellow supervisor usually argues about an issue before arriving at a decision Activity: (p. 183) – “Think Like a Boss” – A fellow supervisor usually argues about an issue before arriving at a decision. Knowing this is typical of this person’s behavior, how should you handle your next confrontation? Activity 12.2: “Conflict Management” – … Read more

Self awareness is the ability to self reflect and understand one’s own emotions

Self awareness is the ability to self reflect and understand one’s own emotions Assignment: Craft an essay that clearly defines Emotional Intelligence and argues why/how each of the foundation skills in that definition is important. Each topic sentence will answer both the definition (ie what is the skill/how would you recognize it?) and why it … Read more

What did the early news industry look like and what types of information did they present?

What did the early news industry look like and what types of information did they present? Write a discussion post on What did the early news industry look like and what types of information did they present? -Please include in your post at THREE examples from three different readings in Parts III The Print Revolution. … Read more

Choose a specific nursing theory that is most in line with your personal philosophy of practice and approach to patient care and discuss the similarities.

Choose a specific nursing theory that is most in line with your personal philosophy of practice and approach to patient care and discuss the similarities. Describe your personal worldview, including the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards patient care. Choose a specific nursing … Read more

The issue of warrantless vehicle searches and arrests are common in the US

The issue of warrantless vehicle searches and arrests are common in the US The issue of warrantless vehicle searches and arrests are common in the US. The Fourth Amendment of the American constitution protects the residents from unwarranted searches and seizes in their privacy. Vehicles are categorized as private property but cannot be equated to … Read more

A probable cause refers to beliefs that a person has committed or is about to commit a crime

A probable cause refers to beliefs that a person has committed or is about to commit a crime A probable cause refers to beliefs that a person has committed or is about to commit a crime. Probable cause is required for police officers to obtain a search warrant from the judicial service. A search warrant … Read more

Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the HIV global health issue.

Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the HIV global health issue. Describe the healthcare policy of HIV in the United States compared to Nigeria What are the strengths and weaknesses of this policy? Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the HIV global health issue. (Be specific and provide examples) … Read more

Do you think some kinds of leadership approaches are more ethical than others?

Do you think some kinds of leadership approaches are more ethical than others? influencing and persuading are central parts of a leader’s job. Leaders routinely attempt to influence employees to perform at a high level. Leadership can have a dark side, however. Address the following questions in your paper: 1) What kinds of actions by … Read more

What can I contribute as a noncommissioned officer to the United States Army environment to help others flourish?

What can I contribute as a noncommissioned officer to the United States Army environment to help others flourish? Read the letter “a message to Garcia” and provide insight on how it relates to Non comissioned Officers and Army Leadership in the following topics: Being proactive Being responsible Taking initiative And answer the question: What can … Read more

What tactics could you use to build and maintain team trust and performance

What tactics could you use to build and maintain team trust and performance Suppose you are put in charge of a virtual team whose members are located in different cities around the world. What tactics could you use to build and maintain team trust and performance, as well as minimize the decline in trust and … Read more

Motivation and emotion Personality Health psychology stress and coping strategies Psychological Disorders and other Mental Health Issues

Motivation and emotion Personality Health psychology stress and coping strategies Psychological Disorders and other Mental Health Issues Over the past three weeks you have been exposed to many concepts, theories and terms related to psychology. Now is the time to make personal application of some of the terms you have studied. This personal application of … Read more

During the 1660s slaves’ bills of sale stipulated what regarding the children of black servants?

During the 1660s slaves’ bills of sale stipulated what regarding the children of black servants? During the 1660s slaves’ bills of sale stipulated what regarding the children of black servants? What did this allow slave owners to get away with for centuries? Solution preview for the order on During the 1660s slaves’ bills of sale … Read more

The Second Amendment of the US constitution gives the US residents the power to own private guns without government interference

The Second Amendment of the US constitution gives the US residents the power to own private guns without government interference The Second Amendment of the US constitution gives the US residents the power to own private guns without government interference. Since the colonial period, the residents of America continue to own private firearms for various … Read more

How super forecasters predict things that are difficult to find the exact figure.

How super forecasters predict things that are difficult to find the exact figure. Chapter 5 discusses how super forecasters predict things that are difficult to find the exact figure. In the text, the author gives two examples of Fermi-ize and a murder mystery which do not have accurate answers but are required. In the first … Read more

Religious rituals are essential in every religion because they strengthen the bond between the gods and the living.

Religious rituals are essential in every religion because they strengthen the bond between the gods and the living. Religious rituals are essential in every religion because they strengthen the bond between the gods and the living. In Hinduism, Vedic rituals are performed to ask the gods to solve different human issues and requesting a favor … Read more

Community health nurses function in many capacities that differ greatly but share core functions.

Community health nurses function in many capacities that differ greatly but share core functions. Community health nurses function in many capacities that differ greatly but share core functions. Compare and contrast the role of the community health nurse in at least 2 community health practice settings. Discuss patient needs depending on the community health practice … Read more

Summarize the theory of evolution by means of natural selection

Summarize the theory of evolution by means of natural selection Summarize the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Be sure to include how Darwin used artificial selection and variations under domesticity to argue his thesis, as well as the condition of survival of the fittest as the survival of that which fits in … Read more

Compare and contrast the selections from John Locke “Toleration and Government”

Compare and contrast the selections from John Locke “Toleration and Government” Compare and contrast the selections from John Locke “Toleration and Government” (PIDI, pgs. 78-93 ) and the selections from Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s “The Necessity for Islamic Government” (PIDI, pgs. 562-569) on the relationship between religion and politics. What role should religion play in political … Read more

An earthquake is a vigorous shaking of the ground, which results from the movement of earth’s crust or volcanic actions.

An earthquake is a vigorous shaking of the ground, which results from the movement of earth’s crust or volcanic actions. An earthquake is a vigorous shaking of the ground, which results from the movement of earth’s crust or volcanic actions. Earthquakes can cause a lot of impact and destruction, especially when the cause buildings to … Read more

How do we know that Jefferson intended the Declaration to be read not only in silence but aloud as well?

How do we know that Jefferson intended the Declaration to be read not only in silence but aloud as well? Why did the Continental Congress believe that their actions had to be shown as "necessary"? (What was the ideological basis for that belief?) How do we know that Jefferson intended the Declaration to be read … Read more

Discuss in written format at a minimum information on the disease background signs symptoms and treatment.

Discuss in written format at a minimum information on the disease background signs symptoms and treatment. attached a template of instructions. 4 pages APA format (does not include the reference page or title page). Discuss in written format, at a minimum, information on the disease, background, signs, symptoms and treatment. On-going Research or Clinical Protocols … Read more

About the pay gap differentiation and differences between male and female people, and the pay gap differences as they age

About the pay gap differentiation and differences between male and female people, and the pay gap differences as they age This is a paper for a Sociology class. The topic is about male and female pay gap change over their course of life. It should be about the pay gap differentiation and differences between male … Read more

Identify and discuss the most important “oligarchs” in contemporary Russia.

Identify and discuss the most important “oligarchs” in contemporary Russia. The emergence of oligarchs emerged after the election of Yeltsin in 1991. The oligarchs emerged as people who had a close relationship with the elected president. Through corruption (connections), they were able to gain control over Russia's state commodities such as gas, oil, and steel. … Read more

Political developments in that country following the First World War. What kind of an administrative system did the country have?

Political developments in that country following the First World War. What kind of an administrative system did the country have? Choose 1 of the country case studies below and write a minimum 400‐word essay on the political developments in that country following the First World War. What kind of an administrative system did the country … Read more

Sigmund Freud describes the conflict between science and religion in this passage from Future of an Illusion. What is the illusion

Sigmund Freud describes the conflict between science and religion in this passage from Future of an Illusion. What is the illusion In these passages, St. Anselm lays out what has come to be known as the ontological “proof” of God. What are it’s basic steps? What examples does he use? What is your assessment of … Read more

What are the key ideas in the Afghan tribes’ article?

What are the key ideas in the Afghan tribes’ article? Approximately 200-250 words per question: Question #1 What are the key ideas in the Afghan tribes’ article? Given the power of networks mentioned in this week’s commentary, in your opinion, how realistic is the hope of military leaders that intervention in tribes will help the … Read more

Different types of ways to promote team collaboration Creative ways to educate ways to promote diversity different learning sessions

Different types of ways to promote team collaboration Creative ways to educate ways to promote diversity different learning sessions I need a page of different types of ways to promote team collaboration, Creative ways to educate, ways to promote diversity, different learning sessions and etc.. Solution preview for the order on different types of ways … Read more

Which of Richard Dawkins’ arguments did you find the most and least compelling?

Which of Richard Dawkins’ arguments did you find the most and least compelling? Which elements of the 1925 trial of John T. Scopes were unusual? Why were they unusual? Why did the trial draw so much media attention? 2) What was one preconception you had that was uncomfortably challenged by the assigned readings? What was … Read more