Browse Questions

This lesson is intended to assist students understand the concept of both astronauts and outer space.

This lesson is intended to assist students understand the concept of both astronauts and outer space. This lesson is intended to assist students understand the concept of both astronauts and outer space. Students will obtain analytical skills to perform scientific experiments including their studies. Solution preview for the order on This lesson is intended to … Read more

Gone are the days when IT leaders used to think based on how well they could align their organization

Gone are the days when IT leaders used to think based on how well they could align their organization Gone are the days when IT leaders used to think based on how well they could align their organization to be more valuable and provide contributions of the highest order to fit in other business-oriented organizations. … Read more

The influence of social media cannot be overlooked when analyzing the cause and therapy of anxiety in children.

The influence of social media cannot be overlooked when analyzing the cause and therapy of anxiety in children. The influence of social media cannot be overlooked when analyzing the cause and therapy of anxiety in children. According to Marco Grados, social media is the root cause of anxiety and panic among young people. To add … Read more

In 1812 the United States stood against Great Britain the greatest naval power on earth in a war that would have a severe impact on the future

In 1812 the United States stood against Great Britain the greatest naval power on earth in a war that would have a severe impact on the future In 1812, the United States stood against Great Britain, the greatest naval power on earth in a war that would have a severe impact on the future of … Read more

United Parcel Services utilizes knowledge of the scientific management theory. 

United Parcel Services utilizes knowledge of the scientific management theory. United Parcel Services utilizes knowledge of the scientific management theory. In general, the theory holds that, for a company to become successful and its workforce to maintain an exceptional performance in their fields, proper training and development in a company is vital. Moreover, adequate training … Read more

Financial implications of a universal healthcare system (UHS) for proponents are that it lowers the cost for healthcare and administration in the country

Financial implications of a universal healthcare system (UHS) for proponents are that it lowers the cost for healthcare and administration in the country The United States' (US) healthcare system is considered one of the most advanced yet very expensive, especially for Americans without medical cover. This paper will compare and contrasts arguments for and against … Read more

Choose a country or culture to research Students are to examine food in the chosen country or culture

Choose a country or culture to research Students are to examine food in the chosen country or culture Each student will choose a country or culture to research Students are to examine food in the chosen country or culture; its cultural significance, nutritional adequacy, and other unique aspects. A brief 3-5 page APA style report … Read more

The Summary and Critical Response

The Summary and Critical Response In “working at McDonald's," Amitai Etzioni argues that more than two-thirds of high school juniors and seniors in America are undertaking part-time paying jobs. Amitai supports that these jobs may seem right because they show the ability of productivity, self-reliance, and work-driven youngsters. However, it should be noted that these … Read more

I have always been passionate about dental science. My passion and love for science dates back to my high school level

I have always been passionate about dental science. My passion and love for science dates back to my high school level I have always been passionate about dental science. My passion and love for science dates back to my high school level. During my high school level, I actively participated science symposiums and projects to … Read more

The progress of any organization heavily depends on the leadership approach that is applied in the organization.

The progress of any organization heavily depends on the leadership approach that is applied in the organization. The progress of any organization heavily depends on the leadership approach that is applied in the organization. Leadership styles that are employee-oriented contribute to ensuring that there are high engagement levels among the organization’s employees. Transformational leadership is … Read more

The human resource department has the mandate of developing strategic approaches to manage employees for organizations

The human resource department has the mandate of developing strategic approaches to manage employees for organizations The human resource department has the mandate of developing strategic approaches to manage employees for organizations to gain a competitive advantage. Hammond (2005) suggests that human resource personnel can achieve this by designing methods that maximize employees’ performance by … Read more

The article illustrates the significance of nudging in business. The technique is design to affect people

The article illustrates the significance of nudging in business. The technique is design to affect people The article illustrates the significance of nudging in business. The technique is design to affect people's decisions predictably, without changing their economic inducements. Moreover, the article demonstrates how manipulating consumer choices can steer them to take the desired option. … Read more

What effects the court’s decision has on certain tax issues as they relate to same sex couples

What effects the court’s decision has on certain tax issues as they relate to same sex couples There was a recent, famous case in which the U.S. Supreme Court addressed the issue of same sex marriage, and what effects the court’s decision has on certain tax issues as they relate to same sex couples Solution … Read more

Topic exploration on gendered third shift for woman 

Topic exploration on gendered third shift for woman The third shift captures significant changes in people’s attitudes toward women's abilities. Historically, women get viewed as weak creatures whose work was only childbearing and performing household activities. However, in the last four decades, the United States has recorded an increase in the number of women with … Read more

Different scholars in their research have strictly made clear definitions of the vertical integration measures.

Different scholars in their research have strictly made clear definitions of the vertical integration measures. Different scholars in their research have strictly made clear definitions of the vertical integration measures. The scholars define vertical integration as a competitive strategy that different companies apply to establish proper control of their production measures purely. The Company is … Read more

Current Strategies for the Manufacture of Small Size Tissue Engineering Vascular Grafts

Current Strategies for the Manufacture of Small Size Tissue Engineering Vascular Grafts Currently, the main cause of death worldwide is cardiovascular disease. These diseases are peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and coronary heart disease (CHD), which develops as a result of critical atherosclerotic narrowing of supplying arteries(1). The restoration of tissue perfusion is very crucial in … Read more

I hope this letter finds you well and in the best of your spirits.

I hope this letter finds you well and in the best of your spirits. Greetings. How are you fairing on? How is your family doing? I hope this letter finds you well and in the best of your spirits. I'm equally well, just going about life as usual. I come bearing both good news and … Read more

How would you describe Chipotle’s handling of the food safety crisis?

How would you describe Chipotle’s handling of the food safety crisis? What are the ethical issues of this case? How would you describe Chipotle’s handling of the food safety crisis? What might Chipotle management team have done differently? What is the role for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in food safety situation? How did they help … Read more

Since its establishment in 2009 Uber has continued to evolve into a large multinational.

Since its establishment in 2009 Uber has continued to evolve into a large multinational. Since its establishment in 2009, Uber has continued to evolve into a large multinational. Business researchers attribute this success to the incorporation of IT into the organization's business strategy. At the heart of Uber's success is the smartphone app. The Uber … Read more

The problem of creating sound approaches for reacting to climate change and of developing public reinforcement

The problem of creating sound approaches for reacting to climate change and of developing public reinforcement The problem of creating sound approaches for reacting to climate change, and of developing public reinforcement for such techniques, starts in part from the intrinsic complexity of the problem. Some of this complication relates to the real science of … Read more

Did you know that vaccines are some of the medical products that undergo thorough tests

Did you know that vaccines are some of the medical products that undergo thorough tests Did you know that vaccines are some of the medical products that undergo thorough tests? This is in line with the remarks of Alex M. Azar II on May 21, 2019, at the World Health Assembly held in Geneva, Switzerland. … Read more

Without activism America would not be as developed of a country as it is today

Without activism America would not be as developed of a country as it is today Without activism, America would not be as developed of a country as it is today. It is important to note that activist activities since the time of memorial have formed part of many governments. Throughout history, activism has been seen … Read more

Leadership has turned out to be one of the most demanding as well as essential requirements in the contemporary society

Leadership has turned out to be one of the most demanding as well as essential requirements in the contemporary society Leadership has turned out to be one of the most demanding as well as essential requirements in the contemporary society. From a simple group with straight forward, short term goals to a larger one having … Read more

Unlike the early days when economies use business strategies in integrating the business towards success

Unlike the early days when economies use business strategies in integrating the business towards success Unlike the early days when economies use business strategies in integrating the business towards success; it entails employing specifics strategies. The current emerging business strategies are rather different and vary fast in giving the company returns of investment hence the … Read more

Bouju’s photograph serves as an artistic response to war because it acknowledged the undying love between a father and son

Bouju’s photograph serves as an artistic response to war because it acknowledged the undying love between a father and son Bouju’s photograph serves as an artistic response to war because it acknowledged the undying love between a father and son during the war in Iraq. The aspect of love is shown by the way the … Read more

Human anatomy has attracted many scientific researches on how to increase its longevity and reduce aging

Human anatomy has attracted many scientific researches on how to increase its longevity and reduce aging Human anatomy has attracted many scientific researches on how to increase its longevity and reduce aging. This move has attracted many scientific and scholarly kinds of research. O’Brien says cultures like Buddhists believe in the birth, death, and the … Read more

According to Goldman the principal benefit of advertisement in a market economy is the creation of customer awareness

According to Goldman the principal benefit of advertisement in a market economy is the creation of customer awareness According to Goldman, the principal benefit of advertisement in a market economy is the creation of customer awareness and instilling knowledge on existence, quality, and price of goods and services in customers (Goldman, p. 259-264). Besides, an … Read more

Legislation Overview on Restriction of Health Insurance on Abortion in Texas In modern society

Legislation Overview on Restriction of Health Insurance on Abortion in Texas In modern society Legislation Overview on Restriction of Health Insurance on Abortion in Texas In modern society, abortion is one of the most controversial subjects. According to (Jones) , in 2017, 5,440 abortions were done in Texas, which represents 6.4% of the USA abortions … Read more

Nursing burnout has since increased the reactions to chronic stress commonly in the occupational field that involves

Nursing burnout has since increased the reactions to chronic stress commonly in the occupational field that involves Nursing burnout has since increased the reactions to chronic stress commonly in the occupational field that involves direct interactions between individuals. Burnout is sometimes categorized as a syndrome that is characterized by emotional feelings and reduced personal feelings. … Read more

On 3 rd November 2020, America will have its 59 th election in history. 

On 3 rd November 2020, America will have its 59 th election in history. On 3 rd November 2020, America will have its 59 th election in history. The main contestants are Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and America’s current President, Donald John Trump. Biden was cleared for the Democratic Party nominations to run against President … Read more

The career I chose is a petrochemical engineer. The occupation deals with searching for oil reservoirs 

The career I chose is a petrochemical engineer. The occupation deals with searching for oil reservoirs The career I chose is a petrochemical engineer. The occupation deals with searching for oil reservoirs around the world. The engineer works in collaboration with other professionals, such as geologists, to comprehend the geological components and features of various … Read more

In mid and late 1990s, pharmaceutical companies assured Americans that prescription opioids

In mid and late 1990s, pharmaceutical companies assured Americans that prescription opioids In mid and late 1990s, pharmaceutical companies assured Americans that prescription opioids meant to relieve pain were not addictive and this made many care providers start prescribing them at an increased rate (US deprtment of health, 2020) . This however led to misuse … Read more

Harriet Tubman is an American abolitionist who portrayed her efforts through a movie.

Harriet Tubman is an American abolitionist who portrayed her efforts through a movie. Harriet Tubman is an American abolitionist who portrayed her efforts through a movie. In the movie, it is evident that the protagonist flee from slavery in the Maryland Farm. Through a hundred miles walk she reached Philadelphia specifically at the Anti-Slavery Society. … Read more

Since the past several years I have always known what I wanted in life and that was to succeed in my career

Since the past several years I have always known what I wanted in life and that was to succeed in my career Since the past several years, I have always known what I wanted in life, and that was to succeed in my career. I have understood the significance of education; thus, I am committed … Read more

Ethics can be simply defined as the moral principles that govern an individuals’ behavior.

Ethics can be simply defined as the moral principles that govern an individuals’ behavior. Ethics can be simply defined as the moral principles that govern an individuals’ behavior. Therefore, behavioral ethics refers to the individuals’ actions that are consistent with the values of the society. A persons’ behavior that are in line with what society … Read more

Phoenix Island protected area is one of the deepest and largest world heritage sites on earth. 

Phoenix Island protected area is one of the deepest and largest world heritage sites on earth. Phoenix Island protected area is one of the deepest and largest world heritage sites on earth. The Phoenix Island comprises eight islands, extensive deep-sea habitats, and 14 known underwater seamounts. By being a protected area, Phoenix Island conserves oceanic … Read more

The Post-orientation program is an integral practice that a company like DPP has to embark on upon recruiting new employees

The Post-orientation program is an integral practice that a company like DPP has to embark on upon recruiting new employees The Post-orientation program is an integral practice that a company like DPP has to embark on upon recruiting new employees. Several alternatives exist in this respect, and all of them can help DPP to support … Read more

Race Theme in Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” music, Race music

Race Theme in Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” music, Race music Three main themes characterize the musical masterpiece "Old Town Road" by Lil Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus. Lil Nas X's experiences inspire the song. It is under the contemporary country genre. The lyrics try to put across the message of persistence and … Read more

Research a director and their directing style

Research a director and their directing style Lee Louis Daniels is an American film director, writer, and producer that directed some of the most iconic shows in the film industry, such as precious, which was so successful. Precious received a total of six Oscar's nominations, and it won two of them, which shows that the … Read more

The impact of the Brexit Vote on the UK financial services sector

The impact of the Brexit Vote on the UK financial services sector Brexit (a corruption of British exit) means the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union. On June 23, 2016, about 17.4 million citizens from the United Kingdom voted in a referendum for Brexit as opposed to 15.1 million who were against. According to … Read more

The concerns for leaving the wound device in place is important since drain system are common technique

The concerns for leaving the wound device in place is important since drain system are common technique The concerns for leaving the wound device in place is important since drain system are common technique in post-operative during surgical care. The technique is used in removing drainage from a wound to prevent other infections and delay … Read more

The article illustrates the significance of nudging in business

The article illustrates the significance of nudging in business The article illustrates the significance of nudging in business. Nudging refers to deliberate modifications in the surroundings that are projected to alter an individual’s behavior. The technique is design to affect people’s decisions predictably, without changing their economic inducements. Moreover, the article demonstrates how manipulating consumer … Read more

Branding is the practice of creating a design symbol or name that identifies a particular organization

Branding is the practice of creating a design symbol or name that identifies a particular organization Branding is the practice of creating a design, symbol, or name that identifies a particular organization and differentiates its products from those of others. Marketing is the process of developing interest from potential clients and customers to a firm’s … Read more

Toyota is an excellent example of an organization that has witnessed a dramatic transformation in terms of its logistics

Toyota is an excellent example of an organization that has witnessed a dramatic transformation in terms of its logistics Toyota is an excellent example of an organization that has witnessed a dramatic transformation in terms of its logistics, operations, and organizational structure in recent years. This helps in explaining the success that the firm has … Read more

This research paper explores cinematography in the film Citizen Kane and how it became an inspiration for many directors and producers

This research paper explores cinematography in the film Citizen Kane and how it became an inspiration for many directors and producers This research paper explores cinematography in the film Citizen Kane and how it became an inspiration for many directors and producers in Hollywood. The film was released in 1941 and produced by Orson Welles. … Read more

The problem of creating sound approaches for reacting to climate change and of developing public reinforcement 

The problem of creating sound approaches for reacting to climate change and of developing public reinforcement The problem of creating sound approaches for reacting to climate change, and of developing public reinforcement for such techniques, starts in part from the intrinsic complexity of the problem. Some of this complication relates to the real science of … Read more

Campus climate might qualitatively be measured through a proper semi-structured interview technique

Campus climate might qualitatively be measured through a proper semi-structured interview technique Students' views on campus climate might qualitatively be measured through a proper semi-structured interview technique. Focus groups and campus interviews may provide enough information on the campus climate. However, the criteria for inclusion in the groups and interviews may have a significant impact … Read more

Social injustice experienced by African Americans despite the notion that the United States of America was a free nation

Social injustice experienced by African Americans despite the notion that the United States of America was a free nation Both stories "So, What Are You Anyway" by Lawrence Hill and "One Friday Morning" by Langston Hughes bring out the social injustice experienced by African Americans despite the notion that the United States of America was … Read more

People with schizophrenia experience many physical challenges

People with schizophrenia experience many physical challenges People with schizophrenia experience many physical challenges. A large body of evidence has linked the mental health disorder with extremely high rates of developing obesity and other metabolic comorbidities 1 . Also, patients with schizophrenia have reported cases of Dyslipidemia. This condition develops due to an extraordinary elevation … Read more

Epidemics have shaped and ultimately altered human history

Epidemics have shaped and ultimately altered human history Epidemics have shaped and ultimately altered human history. Globalization has helped in scientific discoveries and the dissemination of rapid information. Paradoxically, Covid -19 has been transmitted world over due to globalization. It first appeared in 2002 as a respiratory disease called SARS. Covid -19, a viral disease … Read more