Your company has been invited to participate in a business round table discussion at a regional Cybersecurity conference hosted

Your company has been invited to participate in a business round table discussion at a regional Cybersecurity conference hosted

Learning Goal: I’m working on a cyber security discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Your company has been invited to participate in a business round table discussion at a regional Cybersecurity conference hosted by a local community college. The Chief Operating Officer has asked your group of Cybersecurity interns to perform background research and then assist in writing a briefing statement that he will present at the round table. The topic for his presentation is: What is the business value of Cybersecurity certifications?

For this activity you must prepare a 3 to 5 paragraph briefing statement which answers the following questions.

  • What are professional certifications?
  • What are the benefits of professional certifications to businesses and other organizations?
  • What are the benefits of professional certifications to individuals?
  • Who certifies the certifiers and why is this important? (ISO/IEC Standard 17024)
  • How do certifications contribute to risk reduction in the field of cybersecurity? (Identify and discuss 3 or more risks that can be mitigated by requiring certifications of Cybersecurity staff members.)

Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting. Use a consistent and professional style for your citations and reference list entries. (Hanging indent is NOT required.)

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