You need to research, as carefully as possible, the situation/business environment that the organization is operating in addition to

You need to research, as carefully as possible, the situation/business environment that the organization is operating in addition to

marketing plan for new MBA program of study for Majan College , focusing on inbound tourism for Oman

  • You need to research, as carefully as possible, the situation/business environment that the organisation is operating in
  • In addition to researching the organisation you must use at least two academic journal articles for your discussion. Academic articles do not have to focus specifically on cinemas or MA programmes: you could, for example, if you select the proposed new cinema refer to articles which might be talking about leisure activities or changes in the leisure environment. Changes in cinemas, films, streaming, etc could also be useful. Some research into retail markets might well be relevant. For a new MA programme you could be looking at educational developments, developments how Millenials are focusing on their lives and career development, changes in higher education, attitudes of parents towards supporting their children…. These are just suggestions. You need to read around the topic selected to identify two (minimum) articles that help explore your chosen area
  • Your arguments must be balanced and supported by marketing literature – marketing management, marketing planning, marketing and market research, retail marketing and trends, services marketing and consumer behaviour.
  • You must demonstrate and apply your marketing knowledge
  • Your references must reflect a balance between academic and internet sources. You will, of course, use web sites which relate to your chosen areas of study but be careful that you do not just accept, without question, anything and everything that you read online! The fact that it is online does not mean that it is true…..and if an organisation is talking about itself in their own website, they are going to tell you what is positive. A company website may not tell lies, but they may not tell the whole truth and their version of events will certainly be biased! Remember to view critically everything you read and do not just accept what you read without questioning it.

Structure for your first Assignment

While marking your assignment we will be looking for evidence demonstrating how well you have

addressed the question/issues. The following part explains the structure and key points you should

consider in preparing your assignment.

  1. Introduction: A short introduction outlining what you intend to do in your report. A brief description of the company/organisation could be included here, with references, but it should be short and to the point, not extensive or overly descriptive. Section 1 of the Template can be considered here.
  2. Interpreting the task – a summary should be clear and should ideally lead to the key issues identified for discussion.
  3. Main body of your work where key issues are addressed. Refer to the Marketing Plan Template – should include sections 3 and 4 of the Template. You need to research the chosen stuation to be able to produce your PESTLE and SWOT analyses – and remember that you should complete the PESTLE first, as consideration of this will help you to identify your SWOT.

This part of your discussion may have a number of sub sections (all sections to be titled and numbered) such as situation analysis, external analysis and internal analysis). The key criteria here include:

  1. Research – evidence of systematic research approach, depth of research undertaken; application of conceptual (theoretical/empirical) framework(s).
  2. Analysis – well focussed, depth and clarity of argument, organising and summarising key and relevant issues stemming from your research, identifying at least two other journal articles and integrating the discussion. Your understanding will be demonstrated by your ability to provide relevant examples based on the Omani situation.
  3. Scholarly practice – appropriate referencing within the report (citations), employing appropriate International Business vocabulary and the quality of the Reference section. (Harvard style of referencing).
  4. It is essential with the PESTLE and SWOT that you do not present points without evidence or referencing to support them. Points made without some form of justification are meaningless – they may well be true: that is not the point! The point is that every point of your discussion should have some form of evidence to support what you are presenting
  5. Conclusion: A clear, concise, and relevant conclusion to the discussion. Your conclusion should contain a summary of the key points that have emerged from the discussion and consideration of the implications. (Remember: conclusions look back and summarise what you have found out. Recommendations are NOT to be identified or discussed until Assignment 2 – these are suggestions for future activity)

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