Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece. Include the following in the reflection

Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece. Include the following in the reflection

Art Creation & Reflection – Photography/Cinema 

Part 1: Art Creation

Select a photograph to use as a point of inspiration. Create an art piece of photography inspired by your selected art piece.

Part 2: Reflection
Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece. Include the following in the reflection paper:

  • Introduction
  • Inspiration Piece
    • Include the inspiration photograph within the document.
    • Record the title, artist/director, year, and place of origin.
    • Briefly explain the background of the inspiration piece.
  • Your Art Piece
    • Include your original photograph within the document.
    • Provide a title.
    • Explain the background of your piece.
  • Connection
    • Explain the thematic connection between the two pieces.
    • How are they similar and different?
    • Are they the same medium? How does the medium impact what the viewer experiences?
    • For photography, how do the formal elements of design compare to one another?

Original Artwork Requirements

  • Methods: photo
  • No computer-generated pieces

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page, images, or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 1 scholarly source)

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