will provide links to two different TED Talks that will function as “guest lectures,” and you will write a news story as if

will provide links to two different TED Talks that will function as “guest lectures,” and you will write a news story as if

I will provide links to two different TED Talks that will function as “guest lectures,” and you will write a news story as if that TED presenter were giving a lecture at MSU on Tuesday, Feb. 21. This is fictionalizing an event, but you must get real reactions and commentary (in the form of direct quotes in your news story) from least two other students, faculty or staff members (you will get a batch from the class).

For the fictional (I prefer “simulated”) part of this assignment: We will simulate that the lecture will be sponsored by an academic department, class, on-campus organization or any other MSU entity for the purpose of enhancing or complicating that group’s mission and goals. The lecture will be “held” on Feb. 21 on campus.

To complete the “recorded” portion of this project, you must do a minor bit of reporting of your own:

Specify which department, class, on-campus organization or other MSU-related entity would be “hosting” the speaker;
You will get a number of responses from classmates who chose the same TED Talk video as you; you’ll be asked to incorporate at least two other sources’ quotes into your news article.
Your final news/feature written story will be a 100 point assignment with the following criteria:

* How well does it meet the standards and expectations of news writing in terms of article structure and purpose?

* How well does the lede follow conventions of hard news writing?

* How well does the article incorporate interesting, relevant, properly framed direct quotes from sources?

* How well does the article adhere to AP Style standards, as per the Basic guidelines given?

Final draft must be around 500 words (475 minimum, 525 maximum); points will be deducted for going outside of the bounds of this range. At least three direct quotes from the main speaker, along with two “audience reaction” quotes, must be used in the story.

Megan Phelps-Roper: I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here’s why I left | TED Talk

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will provide links to two different TED Talks that will function as "guest lectures," and you will write a news story as if


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