Why is the stereotype of Mexican undocumented immigrants being hard workers an oversimplification and still damaging?

Why is the stereotype of Mexican undocumented immigrants being hard workers an oversimplification and still damaging?

Complete your reading and answer the following questions. Submissions must be in proper essay format (thesis statement in the introduction paragraph, 3-4 supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph) to meet requirements.

Why is the stereotype of Mexican undocumented immigrants being hard workers an oversimplification and still damaging?

How do the Lions perpetuate this stereotype and mold the behavior of new immigrants?

Back in Chapter 1, Gomberg-Muñoz described two main arguments for this ethnography. How well did she do at making her case for those arguments?

How does Gomberg-Muñoz respond to the two criticisms of undocumented immigrants, that they are a drain on the U.S. economic system and that they take jobs away from citizens?

Why did the author feel it was important to describe how the Lions’ lives had changed in the epilogue?

What did you learn from this ethnography? What was most interesting to you?

Do you think this ethnography is an example of applied anthropology? Why or why not?

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