What did you learn about yourself after completing the Life Stress Test and the Compassion Fatigue Self-Test? What are 3 things you do,

What did you learn about yourself after completing the Life Stress Test and the Compassion Fatigue Self-Test? What are 3 things you do,

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Week 7 Self-Care/Compassion Fatigue

While you are busy taking care of others, let’s be sure you know how to take care of yourself! Have you heard of self-care? Do you know why we talk about it so much, and why it’s so important? First of all, it’s such a point of importance in our field because we spend our lives taking care of other people. We are typically the worst at taking care of ourselves, so much so that NASW has added a section to the Code of Ethics regarding self-care. Simplified, self-care is the art of proactively taking care of yourself to ensure that you can keep doing what you love to do for years to come! Ever look at a social worker, or talk to one and wonder how they are still so passionate about their work when others seem to be bitter and resentful of their work? The key to happiness in this field, and the key to remaining effective for our clients, is self-care! Oftentimes, you will hear people talk about burnout, or compassion fatigue. These are real threats in our world and can be dangerous for ourselves, as well as our clients. Not sure what we mean by these? Before you dive into the lecture materials, take a moment to complete the Life Stress Test and the Compassion Fatigue Self-Test: An Assessment to increase your own self-awareness. Once you have completed these, watch the lecture and review the NASW PowerPoint to learn more about Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, & Self-Care.

2021 Revisions NASW to the Code of Ethics  Download 2021 Revisions NASW to the Code of Ethics

Compassion Fatigue Assessment Download Compassion Fatigue Assessment

Life Stress Test  Download Life Stress Test

Answer the following in the Discussion Board:

1. What did you learn about yourself after completing the Life Stress Test and the Compassion Fatigue Self-Test?

2. What are 3 things you do, or could do, to practice self-care?

3. Talk about your experience with compassion fatigue or burnout. This could be about you, or someone, or something you have witnessed.

Please remember Discussion Board posts are considered academic writing and will be evaluated as such. Please provide an extensively thought out, thorough response. Submissions that are posted hurriedly can be detected. So slow down, start early and take your time. When responding to your peers please consider carefully whom you are responding to, why you are responding to that peer, and how you are responding. Make sure your responses are just as thought out and thorough as your original post.


This assignment has 2 components: (1) Your Post after reviewing the above questions – submit a substantive post following the guiding questions or instructions. A substantive post addresses ALL the guiding questions thoroughly incorporating any assigned readings and posing thought-provoking questions to your peers. (2) Second, your response to at least one other post answering your colleagues’ questions or expanding on their posts. Please add your peers’ names in your response to their posts. Your response is due every Sunday at 11:59 pm. Each reply must be 100 to 150 words to be substantive. Posts like “I agree,” or “Great post” are nice, good-will posts, but they do not count as a graded post. Note: Plagiarism is a violation of the honor code – recycling information from current or previous students will result in a failing grade.

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