What are the current exchange rate regimes for the countries you have chosen? Have they experienced any currency crises in the past

What are the current exchange rate regimes for the countries you have chosen? Have they experienced any currency crises in the past

Country Analysis:
Your consulting group selects three countries for review. The group will produce a business report detailing the findings and critical analysis of their market research and provide CRAD with a review of each country that addresses the following:

  1. What are the current exchange rate regimes for the countries you have chosen? Have they experienced any currency crises in the past and/or changed their ER regime? Do any of these countries have capital control or have government intervention in managing their ERs?
  2. Undertake a country risk analysis of each country, considering political, economic, and financial risks.
  1. Review the types of foreign investment strategies that CRAD could consider and evaluate which strategies you would suggest to L J Calloway for each country and why.
  2. Evaluate two FX derivative strategies and recommend the best FX management strategy to manage the unknown FX risks in those countries you have chosen.

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