Various works from this course have examined violence

Various works from this course have examined violence


Various works from this course have examined violence, or used violence to emphasize points or further their arguments. In which work was violence used most effectively, and which least effectively? You may define “effectively” any way you wish; for example, you might see a moment of violence as usefully attention-grabbing during an otherwise dry stretch, or you might think of extremely shocking violence as needlessly off-putting, or a random violent act as a distraction. Choose one passage from one work in particular as effective and one as ineffective or counterproductive. Analyze those passages carefully. Imagine that you are arguing against someone who is arguing the opposite position.


The works on our reading list approach the question of realism and realistic depiction of events and characters in different ways. Some works aim for scrupulously detailed and realistic imagery and characterization; others strategically depart from this tradition when it suits them; still others eschew it altogether. Choose two works which take two different approaches to realism (for instance, one hyper-realistic work and one abstract one; or one work which is consistently realistic vs a work that only depicts some elements realistically) and compare their strategies. Why do they adopt different strategies? Is one more successful than the other?

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Various works from this course have examined violence


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