These two groups of boys basically engaged in the same types of “delinquent” behavior. While the Saints were thought to be “sowing their

These two groups of boys basically engaged in the same types of “delinquent” behavior. While the Saints were thought to be “sowing their

SOC 380 – Assignment: Saints vs. Roughnecks by William Chambliss

  1. These two groups of boys basically engaged in the same types of
    delinquent” behavior. While the Saints were thought to be “sowing their
    wild oats” or “kids being kids”, the Roughnecks were just thought to be
    bad. Chambliss found that years later the so-called “Saints” were
    successful, well-adjusted adults, but the “Roughnecks” had lived up to their
    labels as troublemakers. What role does labeling and self-fulfilling prophecy
    play in the lives of these young men? Are these youth just living up to
    society’s expectations (or lack thereof)?
  2. How did school achievement affect the eventual success or failure of these
    two groups?
  3. Compare the activities the Saints to those of the roughnecks. Which group
    participated in more “serious” offenses? Depending on your answer, do you
    think the community should have dealt with the Roughnecks more harshly
    than the Saints?

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