The Goal Statement and Project Objectives section should explain what your team will accomplish (e.g., improve) by analyzing

The Goal Statement and Project Objectives section should explain what your team will accomplish (e.g., improve) by analyzing

Goal Statement and Project Objectives (0 – 20) Points

20 Points: The Goal Statement and Project Objectives section should explain what your team will accomplish (e.g., improve) by analyzing the chosen system/process. It should also detail the objectives for executing the process improvement project. In other words, your team must explain the objectives of the project, and the objectives should follow from the Problem Statement. Objectives are concrete statements describing the business benefits that an organization expects to achieve as a result of spending time and exerting effort completing the improvement project. Thus, the objectives should be derived from the needs of the clients. The objectives should be stated as outcomes from the results that your team anticipates at project completion. They should not describe what you plan to do, how you plan to do it, or what you plan to produce. How are you going to deal with complexity?

10 Points: Explanations are weak and not well defended. The problem statement and goal statement are not well aligned.

0 Points: Missing information and no alignment.

Requirements: Depends on the question requirement 

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