Find two articles on the Wall Street Journal (only) from our NU library about a strategy or a strategic-related issue of companies you like

Find two articles on the Wall Street Journal (only) from our NU library about a strategy or a strategic-related issue of companies you like

Find two articles on the Wall Street Journal (only) from our NU library about a strategy or a strategic-related issue of companies you like, related to the issues you learned this week, and not older than 12 months, so a very recent article. Write a two-page each report following your course outline specifications, including a brief description of the article (one paragraph), what you learned from the article, and how you would apply what you learned in a company close to you, such as your favorite store in your neighborhood, your family business, a company in your country or place of origin, or in another industry. Avoid big company names such as Walmart, Starbucks, Apple, etc, small businesses are much better. Be very specific, please.

An excellent summary that exhibits interest in the topic and efforts to introduce the key MGT analysis topic along with an ability to grab the reader’s interest.
Evidence of documented data and opinions, clear and concise development of concepts and conclusions. Exhibits critical thinking and offers great conclusions
An outstanding paper is evidenced by thorough strategic analysis processes and demonstrates a thoughtfully crafted logical flow of information, including a solid understanding of concepts, and formulation of a system.
This student’s conclusions demonstrate an in-depth analysis of the content of the paper and offers meaningful content and analysis of MGT theory and concepts.

student’s conclusions demonstrate an in-depth analysis of the content of the

Paper and offers meaningful content and analysis of MGT theory and concepts.

Solution preview for the order on find two articles on the Wall Street Journal (only) from our NU library about a strategy or a strategic-related issue of companies you like

Find two articles on the Wall Street Journal (only) from our NU library about a strategy or a strategic-related issue of companies you like


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