Short Essay–answer one question form each sub-category (4 questions total)•No Intro & Conclusion needed; paragraphs only• One page each

Short Essay–answer one question form each sub-category (4 questions total)•No Intro & Conclusion needed; paragraphs only• One page each

​B. *Short Essay–answer one question form each sub-category (4 questions total)•No Intro & Conclusion needed; paragraphs only•One page each

C. Short Answer–choose 5questions to answer•Follow the prompt•Can use numbered lists•TWO-THREEparagraphs inlength​

B. Short Essay–40 points(10 points each –answer ONE question from each sub-categorybelow)

1. Precipitation and Weather(choose one)

a.Identify the four types of lifting and describe the processes and geographic distribution for each.

b.Explain the changes in atmospheric and oceanic conditions from normal to El Nino.

2. Ecosystems and Biomes(choose one)

a.Contrast the general characteristics and locations of tropical rainforest, tropical deciduous forest, and Mediterranean woodland and shrub.

b.What is an exotic species? Discuss the reasons for the proliferation of exotic species in Florida, and provide at least one example of an exotic species in Florida.

3. Plate Tectonics(choose one)

a.Explain the development of plate tectonicstheory. Include continental drift and sea-floor spreading.

b.Compare the distribution, lava chemistry, eruption style and shape of composite and shield volcanoes.

4. Landform Processes(choose one)

a.Explain the processes and landforms for young, mature and old rivers.

b.Compare the processes and landforms of emergent and submergent coastlines.

C.Short Answer–50 points(10points each–CHOOSEFIVEQUESTIONS TO ANSWER) 

1. Discuss the characteristic airflow and weather associated with the ITCZ and the characteristic airflow and weather associated with the subtropical highs.

2. Describe the location and general characteristics of the high-latitude components of the general circulation of the atmosphere.•Polar front (subpolar low)•Polar easterlies

3. Briefly describe how water moves through the hydrologic cycle.

4. Describe the three main forms of clouds: cirrus clouds, stratus cloud sand cumulus clouds. Describe the cumulonimbus cloud sand what type of weather is associated with cumulonimbus cloud development

.5. List and explain the processes that are required for a tornado to form.

6. During a midlatitude cyclone it only rain sin two places. Identify those two locations and explain what type of rain they receive and why

.7. How are xerophytic adaptations different from hygrophytic adaptations? List and describe four (4)adaptations of xerophytic vegetation.

8. Identify the four types of rocks. Explain how each is formed and its characteristics.

9.Identify the three types of plate boundaries. Explain their movements and identify the landforms for each type.Note: There are multiple landforms created from the three different plate boundaries.

10. List and describe the landforms produced by the erosion and deposition of glaciers and ice sheets.​

Answer preview for Short Essay–answer one question form each sub-category (4 questions total)•No Intro & Conclusion needed; paragraphs only• One page each


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