Select ONE dance and thoroughly DESCRIBE the dance in terms of the Elements of Dance. Make sure to include information on the choreographer’s

Select ONE dance and thoroughly DESCRIBE the dance in terms of the Elements of Dance. Make sure to include information on the choreographer’s

Learning Goal: I’m working on a dance multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

I will attached 4 different dances from a concert and there are 4 questions total in this assignment. You need only to choose one dance to answer 4 questions, so each question will have one dance that you choose best for the question. You must write a minimum of 250 words per dance, organized as a 3-paragraph mini-essay with an introduction, a substantial body paragraph, and a conclusion. Clearly state the name of the dance, the choreographer and the methodology for each question (describe, analyze, evaluate, interpret). Demonstrate your understanding of the Elements of Dance vocabulary and concepts. Also, clearly articulate your understanding of the different dance genres we have explored, including their unique characteristics. Lastly, include your knowledge of production elements as they relate to the overall pieces.

  1. Select ONE dance and thoroughly DESCRIBE the dance in terms of the Elements of Dance. Make sure to include information on the choreographer’s use of body, action, space, time and energy. How do the dancers use space? Shape? What is the rhythm, use of time, dynamics of the movement? What were the groupings of dancers? Was there any partnering? Did you notice an interrelationship among the movements such as repetition and variation of the movement theme and the relationship between the dance and the dancers. Also, describe the costumes, lighting, and music, and stage atmosphere of this dance. Lastly, why is it important to know how to describe a dance? Make sure to include the title of the dance and the name of the choreographer when describing the work.

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