Under this sub-heading of sections 1 of your doctoral study you will list

Under this sub-heading of sections 1 of your doctoral study you will list all the terms unique to your doctoral study. You do not need to include terms

Under this sub-heading of sections 1 of your doctoral study you will list all the terms unique to your doctoral study. You do not need to include terms with universal understanding, such as process, or research. However unique terms and acronyms used in your doctoral study must be explained using an operational definition. An operational definition is the unique way that you have defined the term for use in your study. Each operational definition should be supported with a cited reference. Do not use quotes, rather support your definition with other authors that has also used your same definition in their peer-reviewed research. This list does not need to be complete at this time, whereas you can add to this list as your research develops from the literature review. Have the word inside the definition look at the example below.  This is from the literature review that you did last week. Provide citations. 

Mentor: A mentor is a person who can teach, coach, and guide the development of a novice in a profession or organization. Mentoring is a nurturing process that aids in the development of a protégé (Evans, 2002).

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