Provide an overview of the policy – what would it do and what are its goals? What problems does it try to solve? Discuss the main

Provide an overview of the policy – what would it do and what are its goals? What problems does it try to solve? Discuss the main

Learning Goal: I’m working on a economics question and need guidance to help me learn.

here is my group’s presentation ppt slides and my part is the cost(downside) please write a script for me to speak for the presentation around 5-7 mins in word document…

Presentation: You and your group members need to design a 15-20 minute presentation and

present using Zoom (or in person). The presentation should (not necessarily in this order)

1. Provide an overview of the policy – what would it do and what are its goals? What problems

does it try to solve?

2. Discuss the main arguments for and against the policy. Note that this does not mean just

listing the costs and benefits, but giving an argument for why the benefits outweigh the

costs and vice versa

3. Connect the debate surrounding the proposal to historical or theoretical debates we have

talked about in class


1. 15-20 minutes is not a long time. If needed, narrow down your discussion such that is

feasible to explain in this time period. For example, rather than the Green New Deal as a

whole, it might make more sense to choose a specific area within that broad plan.

2. Each person in your group must talk during the presentation, but it is up to you to decide

how to allocate the time.

3. You will be graded both on the content of your slides as well as their appearance. Your

presentation slides should have a consistent theming and be organized to present material

in an efficient way. You should make use of both words and images/graphs/other visuals

4. I understand that not everyone is a natural presenter, but it should be clear that you have

planned what you want to say and aren’t entirely winging it as you go. You do not have to

be the most engaging or entertaining speaker, but you need to be prepared. Do not read

directly from a script (it is usually obvious if you are).

5. Part of your grade will come from the evaluation of your group members. If your other

group members felt you did not contribute, it will affect your grade.

6. Another part of your grade will come from commenting on other groups. You will have to

watch and answer some questions on 2 other groups’ presentations. These will be due 2

days after the presentation due date.

7. Grading will be based on the following components

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