PRISMA checklists contain an error in the wording for Item 21. The item should read: “Present the main results of the review.

PRISMA checklists contain an error in the wording for Item 21. The item should read: “Present the main results of the review.

2. Article Review:

For Systematic Reviews, the PRISMA is attached.

The 27 checklist items pertain to the content of a systematic review and meta-analysis, which include the title, abstract, methods, results, discussion and funding.

**Please note that the published PRISMA checklists contain an error in the wording for Item 21. The item should read: “Present the main results of the review. If meta-analyses are done, include for each, confidence intervals and measures of consistency” in accordance with the text in the Explanation and Elaboration document.

The PRISMA website can be found at

I have attached the article. Its dealing with Stress Management. Above is what the teacher said about the article review. It only has to be 1-2 pages. Break the article down the best you can.

Answer preview for PRISMA checklists contain an error in the wording for Item 21. The item should read: “Present the main results of the review.


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