Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that you would show to your client that clearly identifies your recommendation as to which location

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that you would show to your client that clearly identifies your recommendation as to which location


  • Your client owns a successful restaurant in downtown Chicago. She wants to open a second restaurant in the suburbs and has asked you to help her choose between two locations.
  • Key information is listed below.
    • Using the four capital budgeting methods that we know, prepare a presentation that shows your recommendation to your client (and why).



  • Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that you would show to your client that clearly identifies your recommendation as to which location she should select to open her second restaurant.
  • In addition, MUST include clearly identified calculations of the four capital budgeting methodologies we have used in this module, and sufficient information on what these metrics mean, particularly as it relates to your preference decision.
  • (Show your work, not the work of Google or Excel programmers!)
    • Note: Google docs (instead of PowerPoint) will not be accepted.


  • 12 POINTS – All four (for each location) clearly identified and correctly shown calculated capital budgeting methodologies.
  • 8 POINTS – Solid, clear, and conclusive presentation and selection of “best” location.
  • Points will be deducted for anything insufficient, unclear, inconclusive, and/or mis-interpretations of what the metrics mean, as well as spelling, grammar, etc.issues

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