Roles definitely play an important factor in a workplace when working in teams or groups.

Roles definitely play an important factor in a workplace when working in teams or groups.

#6 Roles ( Student Post) (90 words)

Roles definitely play an important factor in a workplace when working in teams or groups.  The two types of roles, that  I read in this chapter, are task and maintenance roles.  Task roles helps the team members understand the purpose and goals of the team. For example, in our team assignments for this class it is important to understand the assignment and goals to complete that assignment.  Task roles include different area facilitators such as a leader/initiator to start things off and many others.  My understanding of maintenance roles is that people who are in the groups and in these roles are perceived as the “peace keepers.”  They encourage team members and help resolve conflict amongst the team.

#7 Power, what is the purpose?  (Professor Post) (90 words)

Designating team leads from the get-go is a good idea, as is establishing ground rules early on and ensuring that everyone understands them clearly.  One form of power expression is the team member who simply refuses to go along with the agreed-upon rules.  Have any of you experienced this?

The earlier a group or team can get buy-in from everyone on a course of action, the sooner the team can focus on tasks necessary to reach specified goals.  Power may arise in different forms and in different scenarios that can momentarily halt productivity for a team, but being able to refer to the original “charter” of the group can mitigate damage, right?

#8 Power ( Student Post) (90 words)

Power is something that is given to you basic on you’re work performance. The harder you work the more power management will give you. In a lot businesses it’s about trust and having beliefs in the employees of the company. If the management have a trust or a certain belief in you they do not mind giving you more power because you have displayed it. Having power comes with a lot of responsibilities, and if your mind is not ready to handle that then it could cause problems within the company. if you learn how to handle the power given then things should run efficiently


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Hi, I like your work. You talk of the two types of roles that emerge in a group including task roles and maintenance roles and try to practically put then into context. However, you could have done better by simply saying …………..


302 words