One of the most famous events in the study of geometry involved Archimedes and a bath tub. Research this story. Find at least 2-3 different

One of the most famous events in the study of geometry involved Archimedes and a bath tub. Research this story. Find at least 2-3 different

One of the most famous events in the study of geometry involved Archimedes and a bath tub. Research this story. Find at least 2-3 different sources of information. To properly complete this assignment, you will need to do the following:

  • Explain the story in your own words, citing your sources of information.
  • Describe how the story relates to the study of geometry.

2. Create a new Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) document on your computer, and write 1-2 pages (please see formatting information below) explaining the story and relating it to the study of geometry in your own words. Please cite 2-3 references from websites that are reputable (they have a “.edu” extension). Note: headings, titles, references, blank lines etc. do not count towards the more than one page requirement.

Please follow MLA formatting (Purdue Owl MLA Style Guide):

  • Double spaced
  • 12pt font
  • 1″ margins
  • Indent paragraphs
  • Include a Works Cited page (separate page, not included in the 1-2 page requirement)

Requirements: 1-2 pagesThe story on Archimedes and a bathtub happened more than 2,000 years ago. After ascending to the throne, King Hieron II gave a goldsmith a bar of gold to make a gold crown. After the crown was delivered to the king, Hieron was suspicious that he had been cheated. The king felt that it was not made of pure gold. He felt that the goldsmith had mixed it with silver to keep the remaining gold to himself. The king did not have a way of ascertaining his suspicions. He tasked Archimedes to find a way of determining whether the crown was made of pure gold without destroying it. He asked the king to give him a few days to consider how he could solve this. While thinking about this issue, he decided to take a bath. He filled the tub with water, and when he entered, he noticed that the water poured out onto the floor, and the more he got immersed in the tub, the more water would pour out (Kuehn, 2015). Even though he had made the place messy, he had found an idea on how he could solve the king’s problem. He realized there was a relationship between him getting into the tub and the volume of water that was displaced since if he had been small, he would not have spilled a lot of water.
Archimedes then thought about how much water would be displaced if the crown was immersed in water. He also wondered whether this concept could help prove whether the crown was made of pure gold or not. He realized that he had to determine the crown’s density if he was to determine its true composition. Since he already understood that silver was less dense compared to gold, he took both items with similar masses and dropped each in separate bowls of water. Even though they had the same mass, the gold had a lesser volume; thus, it displaced less water than the silver. Silver was less dense than gold; thus, if the crown were not made of pure gold, it would occupy more volume than that made of pure gold. This allowed Archimedes to determine that the crown was not made of pure gold, thus proving the king’s suspicion (Hirshfeld, 2009). The Archimedes concept is helpful and versatile in determining the volume of irregular objects. It can also be used to explain the behavior of different objects immersed in liquids. The concept defines how things like ships and submarines move in the water.

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