Musical elements you hear and how they indicate the style of jazz being performed.

Musical elements you hear and how they indicate the style of jazz being performed.

Read the assigned reviews by noted Jazz critics found in: Week 7 Introduction to Jazz Reviews

Pay attention to how the reviewers describe:

musical elements of the recordings

specific performance aspects

musical events they are talking about (often using personal reactions to the music)

Part 2: Choose a selection from Approved Jazz Recordings for the Jazz Review Assignment (below)

Pick a track you enjoy, that moves you emotionally and that you can hear and understand what is going on musically (from what you have learned in this class).

Listen to the recording a number of times so you can really know the music and things that happen within the performance.

Write your own review of the performance you choose.

musical elements you hear, and how they indicate the style of jazz being performed.

commentary about specific musical events heard in the recording you are reviewing.

descriptions of the musical events that move you, referring to common human experiences that can relate the musical performance to a reader that is not a music expert.

descriptions of musicians performing and the musical elements and events heard on the recording. Use the professional reviews you read as models for your review

Solution preview for the order on musical elements you hear and how they indicate the style of jazz being performed.

Musical elements you hear and how they indicate the style of jazz being performed.


628 words