Analyze and evaluate the cultural impact to traditional and modern media

Analyze and evaluate the cultural impact to traditional and modern media

Assignment Learning Outcomes

1. Access, analyze and evaluate the cultural impact to traditional and modern media

2. Identify and explain the relationship between media and the UAE society

3. Identify and describe current global and local media trends

Assignment Brief:


Essay of Synthesis and Reflection: This is an opportunity for students to reflect upon the material from the course and write about it.

This project requires students to have access to Netflix. Like other films, Netflix organizes Indian cinema by genre. You need to each pick one film and watch it over a designated period. Explain the similarities and differences between Hollywood and “Bollywood.” Write a short response paper to the film they watched and how it compares to American films they’ve seen within the same genre (Violence? content? Storyline? Musical numbers?) You can then present your findings in essay format.

This assignment will broaden your exposure to international cinema.

Your Opinion and observation should be well written. A well-crafted headline, an examination of one concept/ argument from your own research Don’t forget to cite your passage.


Assignment Format:


Essay format

Thesis – Intro- Main Points- Conclusion

1000 words

Times New Roman

Double Space – 12 Font

Outside Research!!



Referencing: Has your report used appropriate APA style across the report?

Written Answers : Critique, judging concepts

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation

Opinion: Observations, developments and depth of ideas

Research: Identifies aims, objectives, rationale. Theoretical understanding- Key concepts

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Analyze and evaluate the cultural impact to traditional and modern mediaAPA

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