Link ‘The Edge’ Amsterdam building as associated project • – Advancements that were created and used within the project that relate

Link ‘The Edge’ Amsterdam building as associated project • – Advancements that were created and used within the project that relate

Link ‘The Edge’ Amsterdam building as associated project • – Advancements that were created and used within the project that relate to environmental sustainability

  • – Follow report template •
  • – Topic – environmental sustainability • – Link ‘The Edge’ Amsterdam building as associated project • – Advancements that were created and used within the project that relate to environmental sustainability • – 2000words
    Report Title
    Executive Summary Executive Summary should contain 200 to 300 words and include your general conclusion.
  1. 1. Introduction 1. 1.1. Company Name, Characteristics etc.
    Your manuscript should contain an introduction, main body (data, method, results, discussion, etc.) and a conclusion. (company who built ‘The Edge’ Amsterdam)
  2. 1.2. Project Name, Description etc. (‘The Edge’ Amsterdam) 1. 2. The Problem(s) What is the problem? Describe it in full. (Advancement problems within the topic e.g.: environmental technologies)
  3. 3. the Innovation(s) What is the innovation? Describe it in full. (Environmentally sustainable advances/ new technologies/ innovations)
  4. 4. Outcome List specific benefits of this innovation such as safety, quality, cost, productivity, schedule or sustainability. Describe in full.
  5. 5. Possible Improvement(s) on this Innovation(s) Think through what might be improve specifically such as integrating with other systems or making it ergonomically compatible.
  6. 6. Conclusion Assert something that you conclude such as make a judgement, point out a danger or deem something successful
  7. 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge Mr X in Organisation Y.
  8. 8. REFERENCES – list AT THE END Of Report – HARVARD STYLe
    Tables and Figures Tables should be labelled Table 1, Table 2, … at the top of each table. Figures should be labelled as Figure 1, Figure 2, … below the figures.

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