How to understand law and policies on a global scale

How to understand law and policies on a global scale

How to understand law and policies on a global scale?

Must be 350–400 words, must have references,  

Keep in mind that this is the first step toward establishing a solid understanding of the intricacies behind conducting business internationally and confirming to the seemingly endless legal restrictions and guidelines. Begin by examining the European Union.

The idea of understanding laws and policies on a global scale, particularly in business can be daunting, even for the most seasoned professional. Sometimes, putting things on a more macro scale can help sort some of the more minute details. Read the section/link on Universalism versus particularism ( While the section focuses on comparing China and the U.S., once could argue universalism and particularism applies to all countries. So, using this as a starting point, examine and identify the validity of having this perspective within international business law.

Solution preview

-It’s about treating all people the same.

-Everyone’s opinion/vote matters.

-Universal application of laws, including the elite of the elite.

-There is general acceptance of people who are………………………………

451 words