Let God put you in the passage, perhaps becoming the person Jesus is speaking to

Let God put you in the passage perhaps becoming the person Jesus is speaking to

Reflection paper

Subject: Religious studies
Topic: Reflection paper

Paper details:

Assignment You will write at 1.5-2 page reflection (double spaced) on your experience and incorporate the questions below as part of your experience. Mark 5:21-34 — re-read if needed (second PowerPoint below), and then reflect on the questions below. Spiritual Formation.pptx Preview the document Spiritual Exercise Mark 5 21-34.pptxPreview the document Questions: 1. Be a fly on the wall. If you had been present, what sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and textures would you have experience? 2. Let God put you in the passage, perhaps becoming the person Jesus is speaking to. Let Jesus look you in the eyes, sitting face to face and speak to you? 3. What do you sense as Jesus speaks to you? 4. What facial expressions do you notice? 5. What impacted you the most in this story? Why? Remember to approach Scripture in a non-controlling manner. “Therefore rid yourselves of all sordidness and rank growth of wickedness, and welcome with meekness the implanted word that has the power to save your souls.” James 1:21

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Let God put you in the passage perhaps becoming the person Jesus is speaking to


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