J.S. Mill offers a broad, utilitarian defense of freedom of expression, even the expression of opinions that are offensive,

J.S. Mill offers a broad, utilitarian defense of freedom of expression, even the expression of opinions that are offensive,

J.S. Mill offers a broad, utilitarian defense of freedom of expression, even the expression of opinions that are offensive, hateful, or bigoted. Do you agree with his reasoning? Why or why not?


You are to write a thesis-driven, argumentative essay in response to one of the assigned prompts. Essays must be a minimum of five, double-spaced pages (see the ‘Formatting Guidelines’ handout). The successful essay will demonstrate a clear understanding of the concepts and readings under discussion and develop a strong justification in defense of a thesis (see the ‘Grading Rubric’ for further details). Structure your essay as follows: (1) Introduction/Argumentative Thesis; (2) Body consisting of exposition, analysis, and defense of thesis (aim for 30% exposition and 70% analysis and justification); and (3) Conclusion (summarize key findings/arguments)..

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