Research and select a control grouping framework then populate the framework with some examples of the actual control

Research and select a control grouping framework then populate the framework with some examples of the actual control

IT controls come in a variety of “flavors”. Some groups are described as People, Process, and Technology. Other controls (safeguards) are defined by the standard with which they apply (e.g, Prevent, Detect, Deter, Respond). Research and select a control grouping framework then populate the framework with some examples of the actual control. Provide your rational as to why you selected your framework and what industry vertical your think it is most appropriate.

What four (4) IT security controls do you find the most important? Why? Do you consider anything related to process or policy a “true” safeguard? Why? Why not?

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Research and select a control grouping framework then populate the framework with some examples of the actual control


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