Intellectual Heritage: This paper can be written on the Gospels or Sappho. *Sappho (Sappho, If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho. 

Intellectual Heritage: This paper can be written on the Gospels or Sappho. *Sappho (Sappho, If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho. 

Intellectual Heritage: This paper can be written on the Gospels or Sappho. *Sappho (Sappho, If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho.  Anne Carson (translator).  Vintage, 2002.  ISBN: 978-0375724510.) *Gospels (The Gospels in the Bible. Any edition is acceptable, including online versions.) 

Choose one or two chapters (or sections) from the text.  Write a short reflection paper (1-2 pages, double-spaced).  It should include at least one paragraph addressing an important issue of the reading and at least one paragraph addressing something in the reading that you find interesting. It must also include at least one direct quotation with citation (page numbers if possible, otherwise a note explaining which ebook you are using).  This is meant to be an opportunity for personal reflection and analysis, so feel free to compare the text to other books you have read, or relate it to your own personal experience.  You may use the discussion questions as a starting point — but that is not required.  Within the framework explained above, you can write about whatever you want.

Answer preview for Intellectual Heritage: This paper can be written on the Gospels or Sappho. *Sappho (Sappho, If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho. 



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