Identify a product that you use or would consider using. Conduct Internet research to determine the environmental and social impacts

Identify a product that you use or would consider using. Conduct Internet research to determine the environmental and social impacts

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business plans question and need guidance to help me learn.

Identify a product that you use or would consider using. Conduct Internet research to determine the environmental and social impacts of the product you choose. Identify the product in your typed response and answer the following questions:

  1. Environment: What is the product’s impact on the environment
  2. Community (Society): How does society perceive the product in reference to its environmental and social impacts?
  3. Employees (Workers): How does the corporation producing the product treat its employees?
  4. Consumers: Find consumer ratings of this product. How do consumers rate the product? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the product from a consumer perspective?

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to competitive strategy. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.

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