The following is a list of some of the resources available in the Trident Online Library related to the HR field.

The following is a list of some of the resources available in the Trident Online Library related to the HR field.

Module 4 – SLP-3 pages


The following is a list of some of the resources available in the Trident Online Library related to the HR field.

Academic Research

·        Journal of Applied Psychology
This journal focuses on the applications of psychology research. This research journal is a good source for learning about the latest developments in cognitive, motivational and behavioral psychology and implications for the workplace. It is available through Business Source Complete in the Trident Online Library.

·        Personnel Psychology: A Journal of Applied Research
This scholarly journal has practical utility in that it centers on personnel psychology. The articles focus on the latest research on selection and recruitment, training, leadership, rewards, and diversity. It is available through Business Source Complete in the Trident Online Library.

·        Academy of Management Journal
This journal focuses on the management side of psychology. The articles are mainly theoretical. This journal would be a good resource for those researchers looking for new managerial theories and methods. It is available through Business Source Complete in the Trident Online Library.

·        The Academy of Management Review
This journal also focuses on management psychology. It is regarded as a top journal in its field and publishes theoretical and conceptual articles on management and organization theory. It is available through Business Source Complete in the Trident Online Library.

Professional Journals

·        Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review is a cornerstone business journal that has practical applications for HR professionals. This is a great resource to find case studies and expert insights on business practices. It is available through Business Source Complete in the Trident Online Library.

·        Human Resource Management Journal
This journal has best practices articles for HR professionals in the workplace. It is available (up to 1 year ago) through Business Source Complete in the Trident Online Library.

·        HRMagazine
This magazine is published by the Society for Human Resource Management. The articles are a great resource for HR professionals dealing with the most recent issues in the workplace. It is available through Business Source Complete in the Trident Online Library.

·        TD: Talent Development
The Association for Talent Development publishes this magazine. It is targeted to professionals in the human resource development field. It is available through Business Source Complete in the Trident Online Library.

·        Workforce Solutions Review
This magazine that focuses on many topics within human resource management. The articles included are written by industry experts and academics. They are targeted to HR professionals in the workplace. It is available through Business Source Complete in the Trident Online Library.

Adapted from: PennState University Libraries (2017). Retrieved from


Select three articles (published within the past five years), each from different peer-reviewed academic journals/magazines. [Utilize the above publications or other peer-reviewed academic journal/magazine publications you find through the Trident Online Library.] Find articles that specifically address the following:

o   Future HR trends. What main point(s) does each author make? Do you agree? Why or why not? Provide actual employer best practices in place now to meet the challenge of future HR trends. Also include the employers names.

In your 3-page submission (not counting the cover page or the References page), provide the citation to each peer-reviewed academic journal/magazine article and include the three sources in the References section. Include an appropriate Introduction and Conclusion to your paper.

Solution preview for the order on the following is a list of some of the resources available in the Trident Online Library related to the HR field.

The following is a list of some of the resources available in the Trident Online Library related to the HR field.

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