How to create, plan, and manage a nonprofit organization

How to create, plan, and manage a nonprofit organization

Think of a community issue or problem you are passionate about. Create a nonprofit organization that will address these issues.

Organization’s Description

Describe the organization, name, and location. Discuss why you chose to create this organization. Explain why the organization is needed and purpose. Also, provide a brief statement on the history and background of the problem in the community. Describe how your organization will address the needs of the community, the services, the programs offered, and the population (demographics) served.

Create Mission Statement

The mission statement summarizes why the organization exists and objectives. Goals are clear statements of how the organization’s mission will be accomplished. Objectives are stated measurements in dollars and percentages to determine the progress of activities required to achieve goals. The goals and objectives are a separate section.

Organizational Management

Describe the organizational structure, job descriptions of personnel, and their role in the organization. This includes staff, volunteers, and leaders such as those making organizational, financial, and policy decisions. Also, include a code of ethics that will address ethical issues related to conflict of interest, accountability, and transparency among personnel.

Solution Preview

The Dream Alive Generation is a nonprofit organization which will support the teens in Pueblo in the prevention against drugs, intervention as well as treatment of substance use disorders. Dream Alive Generation will be located in Pueblo, Colorado. The organization will help the…………………………


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