Address what you plan to accomplish in your proposed study and you describe the framework  

Address what you plan to accomplish in your proposed study and you describe the framework

Week 5 Discussion-Purpose Statement and Framework

Creswell (2018) compares a theory to a rainbow that connects a study’s variables to a researcher’s expectations or predictions (p. 51). If you are defining and addressing variables in your study, you may have already identified theories that inform what you are predicting or expecting to find as you conduct your study. Even if you have not identified a particular theory that informs your study, you will need to relate your study to significant concepts in your field’s literature for your work to be meaningful.

For this Discussion, you address what you plan to accomplish in your proposed study, and you describe the framework that informs the study.

Write an explanation of the purpose or intention of your proposed study. If you are planning on conducting a quantitative study, state what needs to be studied by describing two or more factors (variables) and a conjectured relationship among them related to the identified gap or problem.
If you are planning a qualitative study, justify the need for increased understanding about the issue to be studied. Cite at least two references to support the need for increased understanding about the issue.

Then, conclude your post with a description of the study’s theoretical or conceptual framework.

If your framework is theoretical:

Describe the theory(s) related to the topic you selected for your dissertation.

Describe the theory(s) and justify how it (they) may be appropriate to introduce your topic or to provide necessary background for your topic.

If your framework is conceptual:

If there are no established theories related to your topic, identify concepts or models in the literature, explaining why they are relevant to the topic of your study.



American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Chapter 3, “Writing Clearly and Concisely” (pp 61–86)

Chapter 4, “The Mechanics of Style” (pp 87–124)

Creswell, J. W., Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Chapter 3, “The Use of Theory” (pp. 49-73)

Chapter 5, “The Introduction” (pp. 101-114)

Chapter 6, “The Purpose Statement” (pp. 117-131)

Maxwell, J. (2012). Chapter 3: Conceptual framework: What do you think is going on. In J. Maxwell (Ed.), Qualitative design: An interactive approach (3rd ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Qualitative design: An interactive approach
. (3rd ed.) by Maxwell, J. Copyright 2012 by Sage Publications. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Roberts, C. M. (2010). The dissertation journey: A practical and comprehensive guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Chapter 11, “Writing the Introduction” (pp. 123–140)


Walden University (Producer). (2010). Research approaches and theoretical frameworks. [Video]. Retrieved from


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Address what you plan to accomplish in your proposed study and you describe the framework  


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