For this assignment, you should gather at least 5 references that provide information about factors that affected GDP declines due to COVID,

For this assignment, you should gather at least 5 references that provide information about factors that affected GDP declines due to COVID,

Learning Goal: I’m working on a economics writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For this assignment, you should gather at least 5 references that provide information about factors that affected GDP declines due to COVID, SARS, or other events.

In particular, you should try to find references that provide estimates of the percentage decline in GDP due to the event. After gathering the references, you should write a brief two-page summary of the findings.

The references should be listed at the end of the document in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name. Also, each citation mentioned in the document and included in the reference list should follow APA format.

For example, our course textbook would be cited in the Project reference list as:

Rosser, J. B., Jr., & Rosser, M. (2018). Comparative economics in a transforming world economy, (3rd ed.). The MIT Press.

In summary, your submission for Project should include a 2 page literature review that includes five or more citations listed in alphabetic order (by the first author’s last name).

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