Compare and contrast Maya Deren’s views of cinematic form and those of Eisenstein.

Compare and contrast Maya Deren’s views of cinematic form and those of Eisenstein.

In a 4-5 page essay (typed, double-spaced with standard margins and formatting) answer one of
the following questions. Be sure to be as thorough as possible. Avoid plot summaries and stay
close to theorists’ text and lecture analysis. Work only with material from class. For citations,
provide in-text citations such as (Deren: 29). No need for a bibliography as your citations will be
from the course text. Bring to class on the 10 th . Enjoy!
a. Two filmmakers and two films:
Compare and contrast Maya Deren’s views of cinematic form and those of Eisenstein.
In your essay, provide five quotations from EACH theorist. Make sure to refer to lecture
and any other theorists from our course material you choose. Make sure to address
Meshes of the Afternoon and Battleship Potemkin, as concrete examples of their
theories successful execution (or failure!).
b. Two theories and two films:
Discuss the “Cinematic Apparatus” as it applies to Rear Window and Cache. In your
response be sure to address Metz, to the extent his theory provides an extension of
Baudry’s. How does Hitchcock provide us with an exemplary demonstration of the
apparatus? Be specific, linking text and film shot/scene. Make sure to address Haneke’s
film for how it differs from Hitchcock’s, certainly, but what are the ways his film opens
up the nuances of Baudry and Metz? Provide six quotes from Baudry and four from

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Compare and contrast Maya Deren’s views of cinematic form and those of Eisenstein.


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