explain Dr. King’s statement regarding injustice. compare Dr. King’s statement to that expressed by Patrick Henry’s (Giveme liberty

explain Dr. King’s statement regarding injustice. compare Dr. King’s statement to that expressed by Patrick Henry’s (Give
me liberty

Questions to consider:
a. In paragraph #2 explain Dr. King’s statement regarding injustice.
b. In paragraph #3 compare Dr. King’s statement to that expressed by Patrick Henry’s (Give
me liberty or give me death) statement during the American Revolution.
c. Review paragraphs #4-7 concerning just vs. unjust laws. Do you agree with Dr. King’s
reasoning for obeying certain laws but disobeying others? Explain. To what is Dr. King
referring to in paragraph #4 when he cites the 1954 Supreme Court decision?
d. In paragraph #8 Dr. King references the 1773 Boston Tea Party. Why is he using this
incident in American history in his discussion of civil disobedience in 1960’s
e. In paragraph #10 Dr. King invokes Lincoln and Jefferson as extremists. Do you
agree/disagree with this characterization of them by Dr. King? Explain.
f. Finally, in paragraph #10 Dr. King foresees a more ‘globalization’ of extremism when he
states the world is in need of extremism. Was he correct? Explain.

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