Establishing a Strategic Leadership Team Memo

Establishing a Strategic Leadership Team Memo

Establishing a Strategic Leadership Team

Scenario: You have been functioning in your COO role for several months and have a relatively solid understanding of the leadership styles present in the healthcare organization. The CEO has requested that you develop a strategic leadership team to design the new 5-year strategic plan for the organization. He would like you to assess the different styles of leadership present in the organization and how these styles would complement one another as a synergistic team. The CEO would also like you to search strategic leadership models present in other industries (e.g., business) and whether there are take-aways from these models that would be appropriate for the healthcare setting. Is transformational leadership the only effective leadership style? How do leadership styles complement one another? What leadership styles would be beneficial for the strategic leadership team?


The memo should be at least 1, but no more than 2 pages, single-spaced.
You need to cite at least 3 sources for this assignment, outside of the textbook. Your paper must be formatted according to APA Requirements.

355 Words