Employee Engagement in Saudi Aramco Company.

Employee Engagement in Saudi Aramco Company.

1.Employee Engagement in Saudi Aramco Company.

The purpose of a mission statement is to define a company’s collective purpose. All employees of a company or organization should be on the same page to ensure that the company’s mission is being carried out across the board. When employees have a clear understanding of their company’s mission and purpose, the company has a defined direction that propels it toward achieving a common goal.


This assignment is an individual work. You are asked to write a full research proposal for you MBA project following all guidelines (please see the attachment) and directions given throughout this course.  Please consider that the word count is 1500 words excluding references. You may support the answer with references (if required) and reliable data.  Submission: week (12). LEARNING OUTCOMES: This assignment is related to following LOs:  Prepare of research plan.  Explain all types & fields of researches.  Collect data through different methods.  Conduct a research in business.  Know how to write the final report and how to present it .  Recognize the research importance.  Explain the difference between the questionnaire and the interview when conducting the research.  Set the research objectives.  Set the research plan.


1. Students must adhere to the word limit provided (plus or minus 10%) excluding calculations, tables/figures, references, quotations and appendices. Quotations and appendices should be kept to a minimum and be of direct relevance to the content of your work. A word count must be stated at the end of your work. 2. The Harvard system of referencing must be used, including a bibliography. 3. Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of abbreviations should precede your work. 4. Your assignment must be word processed and a plain, readable font should be used, preferably Arial size 12. 5. Your group numbershould appear at the top of each page as a header. 6. The relevant course and year must be included as a “footer” on each page. 7. All tables and figures must be correctly numbered & labelled.Tables, Calculations, Appendices, Referencing & Teamwork elements are not included in word-count. 8. All pages should be numbered. 9. You should ensure that you regularly backup your work so that if computer problems are experienced, you will be able to complete the assignment within the set deadline. 10.The hard-copy of your assignment should be submitted with a single corner staple.-


What is a research proposal? The main purpose of a project, dissertation, thesis, or research proposal is to specify the following:  why the research problem warrants investigation;  that the proposed methodology is appropriate and feasible;  that the research make an original contribution to the research field and indicate areas for further research. The research proposal provides an outline of the premise of what you are proposing to research. However, it is subject to adaptation as the research proceeds. It serves as a starting point for development and discussion with the assistance of your research or thesis supervisor. Typically the research proposal will include:  Working research title  Statement of research ‘problem’/ research issue  Aim/s and objectives  Literature review of previous research in the area and justification for further research  Proposed methodology  Expected results and/or contribution to body of knowledge  Approximate time by which each stage will be completed  References you referred to in your proposal The length of the research proposal depends upon the requirements of your discipline


Statement of research problem/issue The statement of research problem or issue should include: Why are you doing this research? What motivates you to undertake this research? What question/s are you trying to answer? Aims and objectives State the purpose of the research. Then, provide a detailed list of objectives (outcomes you want to achieve). Description of literature review This is a summary of academic literature about your subject, and will contain most of your sources. Therefore, you should identify which sources you are going to consult in which fields/areas and the rationale for doing so. You should demonstrate why the investigation and examination of selected research studies will contribute to your research. Methodology The methodology section can vary in length and content, depending upon the research topic and approach to investigation. This section should include a detailed explanation of the sampled population, procedures, type of data collection methods, ethical considerations, and method of data analysis. The methodology could be written as fellows:

Why: restate research problem or hypothesis Before describing the methodology it is a good idea to re-state the research problem before describing how this is to be researched. Who: sample population Define and describe the sampled population and associated demographics (who are you investigating and where are they from). You must demonstrate that a sufficient number of subjects have been investigated so that there is a solid basis for your findings and claims. Where: research environment (context) Will the research take place within a specified location, institution, range of institutions, or work-related environment. What and How: You should include a statement of whether the methodology is qualitative or quantitative or a combination, and why this method was suitable for research. Include a detailed explanation of data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, questionnaires, focus groups and case studies. You must demonstrate that you have analysed the advantages and limitations of your method of data collection. Timeframe Identify the timeframe for each stage of your research (Gantt chart for six month MAX) References

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Employee Engagement in Saudi Aramco Company.

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