What is the basic economic problem and how do most of us deal with it as we live our economic lives?

What is the basic economic problem and how do most of us deal with it as we live our economic lives?

Advanced Quantitative Business
Based on your research of economics, what is the basic economic problem, and how do most of us deal with it as we live our economic lives?


Economic Scarcity

This week the focus is on economics and the biggest problem is economic scarcity. Scarcity means there is a limited amount of something where there is more demand than supply. Economics is a study of how people use the resources they have to satisfy as many of those wants or needs as possible.

Solution preview for the order on what is the basic economic problem and how do most of us deal with it as we live our economic lives?

What is the basic economic problem and how do most of us deal with it as we live our economic lives.


334 words